monkeymom's Diaryland Diary


Kim's big night!

Tonight was the 'Court of Honor' for Kim at the church. She finished her Young Woman's Acheivement award, and the YW president, wanted to make a big fuss over it just like they do with the Eagle Scout award Court of Honors. I agree, and it was very irritating to me when Rachel won awards at church and they hardly got a mention and no one made a fuss over them like they did with the young men's stuff, so I was thrilled about this!

So we were both busy and we put off the planning, but she put it in the ward bulletin for two Sundays in a row, so people would know about it, and then on Monday of this week, we finally started planning it! We had only given ourselves two days! But it turned out great!

Heidi, the YW pres, and I are knitting buddies, but we are also both interested in food, and since I had been on a breadmaking kick this week, we decided to make a lot of different breads for the refreshments! (Of course we planned the refreshments first!) I made French bread, Whole Wheat bread, Cottage Cheese and Dill bread, and Cheese bread. The cheese bread wasn't done in time, so I left it home to rise and we baked it after the meeting, when we got home - more for our family to enjoy!

Also my friend RA made banana bread, and cranberry bread, and Heidi made bagels, and she brought different jams to eat on the breads, along with butter and cream cheese.

The Award ceremony part of it was very nice. We brought a lot of pictures of Kim at different ages, and some of the things to represent her hobbies and interests (including her bag of golf clubs!), and RuthAnn and I made up a quiz about Kim that we passed out for everyone to read. It was pretty funny. Heidi brought a dozen roses and each of the young women gave Kim a rose and told her a thing they like and admire about her, which was very sweet.

Rachel gave a talk and cried through the whole thing, and that must have used up all of the crying for the night, because Kim and I are usually big weepers, too, but even though we both choked up a little, we didn't cry at all.

So it was Kim's big night and it was a lot of fun for all of us, but we were exhausted by the time it was over. When we got home, I watched TV and knitted while Rachel talked on the phone and the cheese bread baked. I needed some time to decompress, because I had been baking and hurrying around all afternoon!

Okay, I'm at work, so I'm going to catch up on some more email, and then maybe I'll get a little work done. And play some Bookworm!

11:23 p.m. - 2007-05-16


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