monkeymom's Diaryland Diary


When it's humid out, dogs smell worse than usual.

I am really, really tired at work tonight, and I was going to tell a story about Rachel that I was thinking about the other night, but I'm just too tired to tell it right now. Maybe another time.

I just didn't sleep enough yesterday, what with everything going on. When I got home from work I was sleepy, but I was trying to stay awake until Rachel got up because she had a phone call to make about an upsetting letter she got in the mail on Saturday. Saturday is the worst time to get a disturbing letter because you usually can't do anything about it, except get upset and fume, or maybe cry. So she got a letter that said she hadn't paid a speeding ticket she got a couple of months ago, and that she was going to have to go to court about it, but she said she had paid it, but it may have been late, and she was worried and maybe crying a little, but Ash was at our house then and he was comforting her in a competent manner, and I got her a Xanax and some tissues, because drugs fix everything, don't they? And let me just tell you, that the difference between a husband and a boyfriend is that when you are in trouble for not paying your speeding ticket in time, your husband will tell you that you should know better, and offer to visit you in jail, but your boyfriend will pass you a tissue and kiss you on the head. (You know which one I have.)

I was too tired, and Rachel wasn't up yet, so I went to bed. I was sleeping with one ear open, though, in case she had trouble straightening things out and needed my help, so when she did get it all taken care of (and they let you pay it online now, so she was very happy to do that!), I woke up and heard all about it, and then Kim was leaving for Ana's house so they could watch all three Lord of the Rings movies, so I said goodbye to her, and made a sandwich, talked to Rachel for a while, and then went back to bed.

I woke up again at two, and no one was home, but I never did get back to sleep. I don't know why, it's not like I had anything to do. I did call RA, who is still out of town, and whined to her because I have no one to go to lunch with when she's not here.

Rachel got home at 7 from her first day at work in the ER, but it doesn't sound like anything really exciting happened. We made a little dinner, and went for a walk - meaning I walked and listened to her talking on the phone, but as I've said before, that's fine with me. It was hot and humid, so one of us was sweating profusely and usually Kim carries both a phone and a water bottle when we walk, but Rachel only had a phone, so when we got home I drank about a gallon of water, like a camel.

Then there was TV watching and knitting, and more telephoning for Rachel. Oh, and I talked to Diana, too, about how brilliant and well-adjusted our children are, and possibly that is because we didn't sign them up for soccer leagues when they were small, but let them play hours of video games and watch Cartoon Network instead.

At some point Rich wandered through the living room and pointed out that I hadn't had enough sleep, and that I was going to be tired at work, and you know, he's right, because I'm tired.

So I came to work and at about midnight Kim called to see if I had missed her when she was gone all day, because she can't find her cell phone charger, so her phone is turned off and I wouldn't have been able to call her. She said they had just finished the LOTR movies, so that took about 12 hours. I cannot watch 12 hours of greasy orcs fighting, but apparently the girls can.

I finished the second maroon diagonal rib sock at work tonight, and also the first white 3X1 rib sock, and cast on the second white sock. I'm looking forward to going to bed when I get home!

5:23 a.m. - 2007-06-12


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