monkeymom's Diaryland Diary


And it goes on and on.

By Saturday night I was sick of being alone, and I had already talked to Diana (well, whined, really, but she was alone at her house, too, and we really need to live next door to each other!), and finally I called RA, even though it was almost 9 at night and we went out to get an ice cream!

Today I woke up at noon and here's how long and boring my weekend has been - you know, since I was all alone with only the depressed dog for company - I was so afraid of spending more long hours with nothing to do, that I went along with RA and her husband to her family reunion ! OMG, you know how dull your own family reunions are? Well, someone else's is worse, because you don't really care! No, that's too mean, and it wasn't really that bad. Actually the first hour was entertaining, but the second hour felt pretty long. There were a couple of amusing stories they told about their ancestors, and I especially liked the one about a young man whose name was Agrippa, poor guy, who went along on a ship as part of the crew when he was about 15, looking for adventure. I think they said his cousin was with him, and anyway there was a shipwreck and they swam to shore in Morroco and ended up being sold as slaves by Arabian slave-traders, and in the end they were rescued by British officers and got home a year after they left!

I was sitting by a young girl, who was interesting (well, as interesting as an 11 year old can be), and we talked quite a bit about Harry Potter books. She knows how to knit, but not very well, so she was watching me knit the shawl I had with me, and I told her if she lived next door to me that she could knit with me and I would help her make a Gryffindor scarf. Too bad she lives in by Chicago.

Went home, checked my email (nothing!), took Buffy for a walk, and then I made chicken curry, because I was alone and could eat it in peace, with no husband complaining that it was too hot! Then I took a nap, and when I woke up, Rachel was home! Woot!

Rich will be home tonight, and I'm sure Buffy is looking forward to that as much as I am.

5:06 a.m. - 2007-06-25


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