monkeymom's Diaryland Diary


It was sunny when I woke up.

So let me tell you about my knitting. There's really nothing else going on here. It's been the week of recovering from the wedding planning, and getting back to my regular life after a week off with lots of company.

We brought Buffy home from the kennel camp on Monday and she's been coughing all week. Of course I was waiting for it to go away on its own (you know my methods, Watson), but by Friday she was still coughing, so Rich took her to the vet and she has tonsillitis! Do dogs even get that? Apparently they do, and she had to get a shot of penicillin and a bottle of Amoxicillin capsules to bring home. What a dog we have. Low thyroid function, recurring ear problems, now she has tonsillitis. Diana said that her dog Brigit can sit around with Buffy, discussing their illnesses and medications, just like her mom and our Grandma. Sarah has a cat on Prozac who could join them for a chat.

I went to the library on Tuesday and got a pile of books to read while I knit. The sweater for Carolyn got finished in time for her to take it home, and now I'm working on the wrap sweater for Rachel. All of the pieces are done, I just need to finish the ties, which are 8 stitches wide and 56 inches long! They take forever! So I've been working on those while I read.

I started another sweater for Carolyn. This is a maternity sweater from a book of knits for mothers and babies, and the sweater is cute, but the gauge is 4 stitches to an inch. I bought the yarn that was recommended on the Knitpicks website, and I don't think anyone at Knitpicks tried getting 4 sts to an inch with this yarn. It can't be done, at least not making a firm enough fabric to wear. It would probably work well if you were making a fishing net. So that is irritating, and I need to go up to the yarn room and find a heavier yarn to make the sweater.

This morning I got up and went with RA to the farmers market, where I bought four loaves of bread and some tomatoes, and when I got home, Rachel called! They're back from Mexico and want to come over to do some laundry! Yay!

Rich just left, saying that he was going out to buy a carpet knife. I hope he's not planning to rip up carpet today! That's a mess that I don't want to get into. Oh well, I can always hide in my bedroom with my knitting and a book while he works on that.

10:20 a.m. - 2007-08-18


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