monkeymom's Diaryland Diary


In which I did ... not much.

Just got to work and I'm updating my journal first thing! Actually, the first thing I did was to wipe down the desk, all the phones and the computer keyboard with a disenfectant towel, because it's that time of year, the time when switchboard operators spread their colds! Shelly had one first, then I had one last week and now Kathy has it, and I don't want it back, or to spread it anyone else!

Now that I have done my germ-phobic duty by cleaning all the surfaces, I can relax and do my update. I'm starting to update daily so I'll be prepared for next month's family challenge, the Blog Your Bitching challenge that Jenna sent out yesterday.

We were chatting on IM yesterday about how we don't have enough journals to read during our downtime at work (and we're sorry for those of you who don't have time to waste at work!) and we decided to do this challenge to encourage everyone to write more, for our entertainment!

Even if you think that you have nothing to write about, or that no one will be interested in your boring day, you couldn't be more wrong! We all like to read each other's journals, even if you only write a paragraph about your dog, or the weather, or how much gas costs in your town, it will be interesting to the rest of your family, just because it is written in your voice!

I get an email from Uncle Joe every day, and I write one back to him, and that email contains the exact information that I just suggested - how much gas costs today, what the dog did, and what the weather is like. I get that from him everyday, along with a comment about his golf game or what they had for dinner, and I never get tired of it! Of course, if you did something exciting, embarrassing, or hilarious, please feel free to write that, too.

Sadly, I did not do anything exciting, embarrassing or hilarious today. I went to the eye doctor, and then went visiting teaching with RA. We stopped to visit Sando's mom, who wasn't home, but Sando answered the door and I was so happy to see him! He used to be at my house every day, and now that Kim is away at school, I never see Sando! So we talked to him for a few minutes, and I swear he is taller, handsomer, and with bluer eyes! As we walked back to the car, RA and I said, at the same time, "He's so cute!" I'm sure I'll see him back in my living room playing video games when Kim comes home for Thanksgiving.

So RA and I went shopping and then I was back home, where I made roasted broccoli (roasted with garlic in olive oil) and cheesy polenta for dinner, but Rich didn't think that looked like dinner, so he had some frozen lasagna instead. Hah! More polenta for me!

Then I napped a while, and woke up when Rachel and Ash came over. I knitted on Soren's Christmas stocking while watching Ash fish in Animal Crossing. I could watch fishing all day! Rachel relaxed on the couch with her cold feet under a warm cat.

There, that was my day! See if you can top that!

11:16 p.m. - 2008-10-29


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