monkeymom's Diaryland Diary


In witch it is Halloween.

Okay, it's after midnight so it's November 1st, and it's the first day of the family blog challenge issued by Jeanette! I'm excited about having everyone's daily writing to read!

After I left the hospital last night, I was wide awake, so I read a book in bed (while knitting a sock) until about 9 in the morning. Rachel called me on her way home from work at a little after nine, and then I went to sleep.

I slept until about 1 in the afternoon, and when I woke up I called RA to see what she was doing, like I do every day. She was shopping at W@lmart, and she asked if I needed anything. I told her I needed to get some Halloween candy, so she kindly offered to get that for me and deliver it to my house. That's what makes her a great friend!

We get about a hundred kids trick-or-treating on our street every year, but this year it seemed like a little less. We still used about the same amount of candy, because Rich was eating it while he passed it out to the trick or treaters.

Rachel and Ash came over so he could play Animal Crossing, to do the Halloween stuff in the game, and Rachel passed out treats for a while, dressed in her nurse's uniform and wearing a long-haired purple wig. When she got tired of passing out treats, Rich took over, and he wore the purple wig. It looked pretty funny with his mustache.

I sat in a chair and sewed up some knitting that needed to be seamed, and finished a sweater that just needed buttons. I watched Ash play the game, and if there was an especially good costume I went to look at it.

When it was all over I took a nap, and came to work. Whew! Holidays are exhausting.

12:25 a.m. - 2008-11-01


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