monkeymom's Diaryland Diary


Oh, and it snowed today!

Yay! Kim came home for the weekend and Sando came over, and they are sitting in the living room, not talking to each other, just typing on their laptops with Hellboy playing on TV in the background.

Kim got here last night about midnight. She was wearing a long-sleeved t-shirt with no jacket, because it was warm in Southern Illinois. I immediately cast on for a sweater for her, and stayed up until 3 in the morning, knitting on it. It will not be finished before she goes back to school, but she has other sweaters she can wear while she's home.

We got up this morning and took the dog to her doctor appointment. Buffy needed shots and a heartworm test. She went to each of the assistants at the vets office, begging treats from each of them. They were all happy to give her some biscuits.

We brought her back home and I worked on the sweater for a little while, and then it was time for Kim's appointment at the salon. She gets her hair and eyebrows done when she comes home.

Buffy had a grooming appointment at 2, and Kim's was at 1, so we took Buffy to the salon with us. She walked around and sniffed everything, then she laid on the floor until Kim was done. The salon girls thought she was a good dog!

We drove Buffy to her appointment and dropped her off, and then headed for Taco Bell! Neither of us had eaten a taco in a while, but we couldn't stop there with Buffy in the car. She is an enormous taco thief!

We've been relaxing around the house all afternoon. Kim is working on her novel for Nanowrimo, and I made roasted cauliflower and a Spanish Omelet for dinner. Spanish Omelet is one of Kim's favorites and she asks for it every time she comes home.

Rich picked up Buffy after she was groomed, and she is all clean and fluffy, with bows on her ears and a scarf around her neck.

So that's my day. I'm going to go work on the sweater now. I found The Sirens Sang of Murder, so I can read that while I knit.

9:29 p.m. - 2008-11-07


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