monkeymom's Diaryland Diary


It's only 2 degrees outside!

We've had a lovely day today. I went shopping with RA while Kim cleaned her house to earn money for Christmas shopping.

When RA came to pick me up, she brought in my Christmas present and put it under the tree! Whooo! I was so excited! Kim was stilling puttering around, cooking sausages, putting on her shoes, brushing her hair, and I kept looking at my present...

Finally I asked if I could open my present and RA said yes, because that's the fun of giving a present, watching the giftee open it! I opened and I was so surprised to see that she got me the set of Sham - Wows that I had been telling her about!

Have you seen the commercial for them? They are amazing towels for cleaning, or for soaking up your spills! That's why I told RA about them, because lately we keep spilling Diet Pepsi everywhere!

First she dropped a full BK cup of Diet Pepsi down the steps when she was going into the house one day last week, then a couple of days later I dropped a full one on the floor of her car! We mopped it up with a dress from a bag of clothes she was taking to the Goodwill, but it was like a lake of pop on the floor of the car! RA said that just today she spilled another cup on the basement floor in her house, so you can see we really have a need for an absorbent cloth!

We dropped Kim off at her house to clean, and we went to do a little shopping - get a few last stocking stuffers and some groceries - and by the time we were done, Kim was finished cleaning.

We both paid Kim, and then she went off shopping with Sando. I came home, where Scott and Carolyn were playing MarioKart and Soren was taking a nap.

Scott and Carolyn needed to get out, so they went to the store for a couple of things I forgot, and left Rich and I in charge of the baby. Too bad he slept the whole time!

I made lasagna for dinner tonight, and it was so good. I really like it, I just don't like messing with the noodles, so I don't make it often.

After dinner, Soren went to bed, and we all watched Sinband, the cartoon movie, except when I say 'we' I mean everyone else, because I was bored and went away to knit and play on the computer.

We talked Kim into playing Euchre with Scott, Carolyn and I, which was fun, except that Scott said it was a little insulting that Kim and I were doing our usual flittering job of playing while not paying attention, and we still won.

It's true, Kim was IMing Sando, trying to talk him into doing a funny dance on the webcam, and when he refused, she turned on her cam and did the funny dance for him. I was actually paying pretty good attention to the game this time, and not ordering up trump and then asking the person next to me what's trump, as I often do.

Now we are winding down. Rich is in the living room, watching a boring war movie, Scott is reading Faust (I can't imagine why), Kim is IMing her friends, and Carolyn is practicing the harp. She's playing a song called something like the Jolly Piper, but seriously, if you heard it, you would recognize it as the Popeye song!

I took a picture of Rich and Soren today:

9:56 p.m. - 2008-12-22


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