monkeymom's Diaryland Diary


In which no one has had enough sleep.

I know this is the second entry today, but the first one was for yesterday! This is for today. And it's going to be short.

So we stayed home from church, because everyone was sleeping. Gradually people work up, and trickled down to the living room. Rich pulled out the basket of baby toys that RA brought over, and he taught Soren to knock down a block tower. That is a fun game! Soren was cracking up!

RAchel came over to say hi after church, and then she went home for nap. We all napped for a while, and when I woke up, I started cooking, and Kim played Majora's Mask to entertain the rest of the family.

I had put a pot roast in the crockpot in the morning, and the house smelled great after it had cooked for most of the day. I made the winter squash and polenta casserole that Rachel and I both really like, and now Carolyn loves it too! Yay! I ended up cooking a lot of food, because I was worried that the roast wasn't big enough, and I wanted to be sure everyone had enough to eat. There was lots to eat, and we ate it all. Oh, and Soren liked the polenta, too.

Soren went to bed early, being still tired from traveling and missing his naps yesterday. The rest of us have been watching TV and talking. It's nice to have everyone here.

9:43 p.m. - 2008-12-21


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