monkeymom's Diaryland Diary


In which I turn to a life of crime.

I can't even remember what I did yesterday...oh yeah, I took Kim to get her senior picture taken, which was kind of fun. I am expecting to like the casual photos the best, since they were taken in a cool alley behind the photo studio, and she looked very cute in jeans and a vest. The formal poses are okay, but I'm not as excited about them. We should have the proofs in a couple of weeks.

I meant to take a walk in the evening but it's getting dark earlier, so when I was ready to go out, it was too dark to walk by myself! If only I had a useful superpower like laser eyes, instead of the ability to attract idiots to sit behind me and talk at the movies. It's no earthly good being a moron magnet! Or if I had a smart, protective dog I could walk with, that would be good, but no, I just have Buffy the Glampyre, hunter of dead squirrels and mushrooms.

Oh, I just remembered another thing I did - I went to the farm supply store with RA to help her find a horseshoe nail for her institute lesson. We found the horseshoe nails back by the horse supplies, which included bags of very bad-smelling horse food! For your information, a box of horseshoe nails costs 6 dollars and contains 100 nails. She only needed one, and I told her to just put it in her pocket, so she did. She bought a pair of jeans and a bag of Snickers candy bars, so it's not like we just went in there and robbed the place, but I think it might subtract from our spirit points that we stole a nail to use to teach a religious concept. Hey, there are still 99 nails in that box!

5:54 a.m. - 2006-09-20


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