monkeymom's Diaryland Diary


nothing, nothing at all

I just got home from work and ate some leftover chicken and matzo soup! It was great, and I love eating food that I didn't have to make.

It was a long weekend and I never got enough sleep! Jason was here and I had to watch all the dynamics of the relatonship, so I just didn't want to go to bed. Oh well, it was pretty entertaining, so I guess it was worth it.

It was cloudy all day today and started raining when I went to work this afternoon, so Kim had to walk home in a pouring thunderstorm! She called me when she got home to tell me that she was soaked, and I told her to hang up her jacket to dry so she could wear it tomorrow, and then I suggested that she should take an umbrella to school with her, just in case. She said that she did have an umbrella, but she got soaked anyway! Good thing she's tough.

Rachel worked as a temp at the clinic today and she came home tired. She stopped by my office before she went home and had some of the sushi I made this afternoon, and then she came home to make chicken soup and lay on the couch.

That's really all the news - boring day, wasn't it?

11:33 p.m. - 2001-10-10


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