monkeymom's Diaryland Diary


The blustery day.

I am writing this entry just for Diana, who says she checks my journal every day and is disappointed that I never write anymore.

This is day nine of ten midnight shifts in a row and I'm so tired it isn't funny at all! Today I slept until noon, got up for two hours and then went back to bed after Rachel left for Chicago.

I slept for another couple of hours and then got up at 4 and Kim wasn't home from school yet! I completely forgot that she said was going to stay after school for something, so I was very worried until she finally came home.

I talked to Rachel about 4:30, she was in Chicago and was a little worried about finding her exit, and was driving in heavy traffic, so she couldn't talk on the cell phone. I tried her again at 5, when she was supposed to be at her friend's photo show, and there was no answer.

I was trying not to assume she was lying injured by the side of the highway, and I left a couple of messages for her, but never heard from her again until I got to work at 11. She had gotten my messages, but by then I had left the house, and she tried my cell phone but it was turned off to save power because Kim keeps it in her backpack and never recharges it!

She's on her way home now and should be home in about an hour.

I had an appointment with the Stake President to get my temple recommend signed, and Rich was going out to his TaeKwonDo class, so I took Kim with me to Rockford. She didn't want to go, but I wanted some company on the drive, and I promised her that if she went, we'd stop at Barnes & Noble afterward, so she was willing.

It has suddenly gotten cold here and the wind is blowing like a hurricane, so you can imagine what it was like to drive a minivan along a highway that meanders through flat cornfields, with nothing to break the wind!

I had to stop for gas on the way, and it was so cold I didn't even fill it up, just put in 10 dollars and got back in the car. Here's what an idiot I am - our other cars have buttons on the floor that pop open the gas tank cover, and I haven't put gas in this van by myself before, having children and a husband to do that little chore for me, so I pulled in and started looking for the button to open the gas cover, and I couldn't find it!

The wind was blowing and it was so cold I couldn't stand it, and finally I got back into the car and turned on the light to look for the button, and I was getting pretty frustrated, when Kim finally got out of the car and walked around to my side to look at the gas cover. She tapped on my window and pointed to it, and I felt a little silly when I saw that she had opened it! Apparently you it. Manually. Who knew?

11:37 p.m. - 2001-10-25


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