monkeymom's Diaryland Diary


I know this world is killing you

I slept all day! It was wonderful. I took an antihistimine when I got home from work this morning, because I was sneezing and blowing my nose all day yesterday, and I went to bed and didn't get up until 3 in the afternoon. I stayed up for a couple of hours, then went back to bed again at 5 and slept another hour or so.

Rachel has hardly spoken to Jason for two days and she won't check her hotmail account, either, because she doesn't want to read any of his letters. She is cracking me up. They spent hours on the phone this week, arguing about her reasons for wanting to stay in a motel instead of his house when she visits, and now she is sick to death of him! It's really entertaining.

I talked to him online today, but kept the conversation very general (Harry Potter books and Halloween costumes) because I don't want to get sucked into their argument this time. I'm being a grown up, and it's not nearly as much fun as the alternative.

I got a package from Amazon today; an Elvis Costello CD and two knitting books. I was pretty excited about that. I bought the new Nancy Bush sock pattern book, the name of which I cannot remember and a book of knitted Christmas stockings that I'm in love with. I have so many projects in the works right now, that I feel a little guilty starting anything else, but all of the other stuff is big projects and it would be nice to have a couple of things that I could finish up quickly.

11:11 p.m. - 2001-10-26


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