monkeymom's Diaryland Diary


Wizard scarf and knitting machine

Scott called yesterday to say that his computer had died in the night! It's only a couple of months old, so he can have it taken care of under the warranty, but of course he didn't take the paperwork with him to school.

I just mailed a package to him yesterday morning containing the two latest issues of Dragon magazine and some Jelly Bellies (Apple Orchard Mix, Gingerbread, and Apple Cider), but then I went shopping in the afternoon and bought him a great sweater, so I needed to mail that anyway. I went out this afternoon and was going to mail them overnight mail, but it was thirty dollars(!) so I sent them two-day mail instead. It was only 15 dollars, and he doesn't have time to take care of the problem until Saturday, anyway.

That is pretty much the extent of my fun for today, because I got up late and had to be at work at 3. I did have a little time to sit on the couch and knit an inch or so on the Wizard Scarf I'm making for Kim to wear to the Harry Potter movie. It's the gold and scarlet striped scarf all the kids from Gryffindor House are wearing in the movie.

Yesterday I set up the new knitting machine, and was able to follow the directions in the book and started making the scarf on the machine, when suddenly it went all catty-wampus and I ended up ripping out what I'd done and starting over to knit it by hand. It would go much faster on the machine, but the amount of swearing and general bad karma I was sending out was just not emotionally healthy. I'm going to keep practicing with the machine though, because when I can use it to make things, it will be big fun!

5:28 p.m. - 2001-10-31


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