monkeymom's Diaryland Diary


I love you more than I did the week before...

Rachel called me at 3:00 in the morning from the motel in Edwardsville to tell me that she had a wonderful time in St. Louis with TFM, but she was feeling sick afterward because she did too much during the day and didn't have enough to eat!

When I talked to her today she said that she just never really felt good all day, just kind of queasy, like when you have motion sickness and even after you get off the carnival ride, you never feel good the rest of the day. She had good time in St. Louis today with JGM, but she was still feeling icky.

Great. She was at Jason's house by then, so I told her to go get a Coke and drink that and eat some crackers and see how she felt later. I suggested that she sleep in the motel again, instead of going to Denise's place, because she doesn't know Denise that well, and it's less embarrassing to be sick by yourself than when you are staying with someone. She was concerned about hurting Denise's feelings if she said she wasn't going to stay with her, since Jason practically had a breakdown over it, and I told her to talk to Denise and see how she feels about it.

Later, I called her and Jason answered (Rachel was driving the car), and I talked to him about how she is feeling, and mentioned that I thought she should stay in the motel again and he said that was a good idea (!) and he didn't think Denise would mind. Right. So I said, well you know how some people might make a big deal about it, and he said he didn't think Denise was like that, without a trace of embarrassment. What an ass.

So I called the motel and set that up for tonight and tomorrow, and I'm expecting to hear from Rachel when she gets back there tonight.

This afternoon I remembered that Verna was holding some yarn at the shop for me, that was supposed to be the right colors for a Wizard Scarf, according to Nancy. I suddenly felt that I absolutely must go and buy that yarn, but Rachel is driving the Saturn this weekend, and Rich had the van at work, so the only vehicle left for me to drive was Scott's 12 yr. old Horizon!

This is how bad I wanted that yarn -- I drove it! I was driving down the street, trying to figure out how to make the CD player work, and it would not go on at all, and neither would the turn signals, so I was wondering why we have been letting our kids drive this car with a faulty electrical system, and then when I parked at Verna's, there was a horrible screeching sound as I turned the car off, so I quickly turned it back on, and the CD player started playing and the turn signal started signaling! The hell? I turned the car off again, and the screeching didn't happen, thank goodness.

When I left the shop later, without the yarn because the colors really weren't right, the car started just fine and the lights and the CD player worked, so I don't know what the problem was before.

I got home and walked up to the house before I realized that I didn't have MY keys with me, only a keyring that has the spare key to Scott's car and nothing else, and Rich and Kim were out at Kim's piano lesson! Sigh.

Patsy, the big yellow cat, was hanging around the front steps, wanting to get in, too. He must have sneaked out when they left the house. I had a book in my purse, but no phone, since mine is in Kim's backpack and I've been using Rachel's but she took it with her to go out of town this weekend, so I sat on the steps and read for a while.

My butt was getting cold from sitting on the cement, so I went back to the car and sat in the front seat to read with the door open because really, the smell in that car is indescribable - old car smell overlaid by three or four of those cardboard trees that hang from the mirror permeated with vanilla. It's pretty unpleasant on a day when things aren't going well anyway.

When it got too dark to read, I turned on the CD player and listened to the Barenaked Ladies for a few minutes, and then my nice neighbor pulled into her driveway and took me in with her to chat until my family got home.

When I was finally home again, Rich said that his boss really wants him to attend a conference in Ann Arbor tomorrow at 10 a.m. so he was going to drive there tonight to be there for it tomorrow. He took Kim with him and they will stay at his parent's house and come home on Sunday. Kim was pleased, and quickly packed her gameboy and a Halloween costume because there is a wedding reception for one of Rich's cousins tomorrow night and everyone is supposed to come in costume.

After they left I went to bed and felt sorry for myself, poor thing, home alone all weekend...

11:08 p.m. - 2001-11-02


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