monkeymom's Diaryland Diary


the long weekend

It's been a little boring here today. I slept all day, but kept getting interrupted by phone calls and once when Kim's friend came to the door. I finally got up at 3, and called Ruthann to see what she was doing.

She wanted to make eggrolls, so I got dressed and went to her house. I was really tired still, so what I did was sit at the kitchen table and knit and read a copy of Smithsonian (I love that magazine) and she made the filling for the eggrolls and a pecan pie, too.

I rolled most of the eggrolls, but she's getting pretty good at it, and we ate eggrolls and pecan pie for dinner. Her husband was at meetings all day, so she was glad to have the company, and I just didn't want to hang out in my dirty house all day with all the animals.

I talked to Rachel this afternoon - she was at a restaurant with her friends, and she said she feels better and that it's all poptarts, which is a code meaning that things are going well with Jason. If she mentioned pretzels, (a reference to a Seinfeld joke) then I would know she was sick of him.

Scott called and said that he is going out to Best Buy to see what they can do about getting his laptop fixed. I hope it won't take long, he needs it!

Kim sent an email to say that they arrived in Michigan safely and she is having fun.

I'm glad everyone is enjoying their weekend. I'll just go to work now...

9:53 p.m. - 2001-11-03


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