monkeymom's Diaryland Diary


more wasted hours

I just got back from a walk with Rachel and she is sitting on the couch talking to Jason on the phone now. Kim is still doing her homework but it's almost 10, so she needs to wrap it up.

I watched two movies today that sucked, and I have one more to watch, but after the first two, I went to the computer and cancelled my membership to Netflix. It's not that it's a bad service, it's just that it offers too much in the way of those little-known crap movies that I love to watch, and they get delivered right to my mailbox, so that I can spend way too much time sitting on the couch watching terrible movies. I lose respect for myself when I think about the kind of absolute crap that I can sit and watch.

Today's crap, for those who care (I'm looking at you, Sarah and Diana!), was Muriels's Wedding, a terrible movie full of unattractive people, in fact, we had to turn it off before it became necessary to claw out our own eyes, and the other one was Mickey Blue Eyes. We did manage to watch it all the way to the end, thanks to the presence of Hugh Grant, whom I find irresistible. He's got that goofy charm, and all, you know.

I still have Runaway Bride to watch, and I think I'm going to watch that tomorrow morning, because Rachel has already seen it, and she says it sucks. She did mention the Richard Gere looks good for an old guy.

Scott called tonight and said that he hurt his knee playing Commando with his Family Home Evening group last night.

I asked if they played that game without underwear (you know, going "commando") and he said that was the first thought that he had about it, too, but no, it was something like Hide and Seek that is played by college students outdoors after dark. Oh sure, it's fun until someone gets hurt. So now he's injured and couldn't go to his fencing lesson!

Oh, Rachel and I went for a walk last night and saw the Northern Lights! It was cool, and at first we didn't know what it was, just a big reddish glow in the sky, so we got home from the walk and went out in the car to drive out into the country and look for the source. As we were driving around, the sky was looking funny but we couldn't see the red glow anymore, and then Rachel lost her cell phone connection, and that's when she realized we had seen the Northern Lights and the solar flares were probably also causing her temporary loss of service.

9:53 p.m. - 2001-11-06


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