monkeymom's Diaryland Diary


Catching up.

Well Richard's parents were here this weekend and Rich, Harold, and Rachel finished the downstairs bathroom. It's beautiful and I'm thrilled! Rachel is the queen of laying down linoleum tiles! They were all tired after most of the floor was down and the counter and cupboard were installed, so they quit for the day, and just had the edges of the floor to do and then some finishing work under the sink that they decided to leave and finish on Saturday, but when Rachel and I got home from the movies on Friday, she took the phone into the bathroom and finished the floor while she talked on the phone to her boyfriend.

I'm working on knitting a tunic sweater with a rolled neck. I made one for Kim, and she hasn't even worn it yet, but when my in-laws were here this weekend, I started it for Bertha, who is (irritatingly) always cold, and was complaining that since her heart surgery, she is even colder, so I had her try on the wool tunic I made for Kim to see how warm it is, and she wore that for a while and liked it, so we went up to the yarn room and I showed her some yarn she could choose from and started the sweater on Friday. It's the only thing I've worked on all weekend because it's fun and I want to get it finished so she can wear it.

Other than that, I have two Dale of Norway sweaters started, the Nagano sweater and a new pattern that is a lot simpler, but still has the snowflake yoke thing. I have been doing about two rows a day on each of those, and now they are on hold while I do the tunic, which is much more fun. I knitted on it all through the movie Serendipity on Friday night because it's nice easy knitting in the round so I can knit in the dark!

Oh, and I finished the Wizard Scarf last night while I watched the Harry Potter special! It's a long scarf in maroon and gold, like the one the kids in Gryffindor house wear in the movie. All I had left to do was the fringe, but I wasn't sure how to put in on so it would hang right, and Rachel cleverly figured out a way, and I worked on that and finished it! It looks good overall, but the sides curl under, and it's acrylic, so I can't block it (I tried, but it didn't help). I didn't make it in a tube, I knitted it flat, and did two stitches of garter stitch at each side, but it wasn't enough. I want to make another one, but I don't have enough yarn and my local yarn store is out of one of the colors. If I do another one, I'll try knitting it in a tube.

This is Rachel's last week of work at the clinic, since she needs next week to get packed and clean up her room before she goes to the MTC. She is getting a little nervous about the whole thing! When Bertha and Harold were here, Harold told her that Bertha wanted him to let her know that if she didn't like it when she was in Argentina, that she should let them know and they would fly her home! I told them that if she doesn't like it and wants to come home, the church will bring her home. Geez. Bertha was asking a lot of questions about what exactly Rachel will be doing down there, and Rachel tried to explain it to her, but I think she still doesn't quite get it. I told Rachel later to be sure to write letters to them and tell them what she is doing, like if she teaches a primary class or plays the piano or something.

Rachel still gets really tired from the mono, but she is getting better all the time, and as long as she gets to bed at night and sleeps, she'll be fine. Yesterday she slept for two hours in the afternoon and then went to sleep about midnight. She has to get up at 6 for work, so I'm sure she didn't get enough sleep, but maybe she will get a nap after work today. I'm glad missionaries don't get to stay up late, because she will be able to get enough sleep in the MTC.

There was a big crash in Kim's room yesterday afternoon, and when I went to see what happened, one of the cats came racing out, and another one was crouched under her desk in a fighting stance (Crouching Tomcat)! I looked around to see what had caused the crash and finally found it - the cat had knocked over something that landed in the middle of some Lego castles that Scott made.

Fast forward to last night, when Kim discovered the destruction, and started crying in a heartbreaking way because Scott had worked so hard on those castles! I told her how funny it was to see the cat's reactions to the crash, and that cheered her up a little, and I told her that she could call Scott on the phone after her shower. While she was showering I called Scott and told him what happened and I said that I thought she was so upset because she misses him. Or PMS, it's hard to say. He groaned about dealing with PMS, but he was prepared to be comforting, so when she called him they had a nice talk and she felt a lot better.

1:16 p.m. - 2001-11-12


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