monkeymom's Diaryland Diary


Night at the movies

Woke up in a crabby mood and bitched at everyone in the house. Rachel and Rich were just getting back from Rockford, where they dropped off that damn Saturn again. Yes, there is something else wrong with it. What a piece of shit.

While they were out together, Rich had an epiphany -- he fell in love with cell phones! This is typical of him, he makes fun of something I do for a while, and then he discovers it for himself and he's all about it!

Me: I'm going for a walk, got my water bottle, where's my phone?

Rich: You're taking your phone? What, you can't be away from your phone for 20 minutes? What kind of walk is that when you take your phone ?

Me: (digging through my purse)Whew, there it is!

Rich: (with a British accent)Oh sweetie, oh dahling, I have to have my phone !

So now he is in love with it, and on Monday I am going out to get one of those family plans so that we all have a cell phone. See, I have one, but I gave it to Kim and she keeps it in her backpack in case of emergency, like if she has to hide in the bathroom at school and call 9-1-1 in case of sniper fire, and Rachel has one that whichever one of us is going out takes with us, but hers is a different brand and I'm not sure it's compatable with our calling plan, so that's why I have to go to the phone store on Monday, you see, so Richard can have a phone!

Rachel couldn't have gone to Chicago today anyway because the damn Saturn is sick again, so she stayed home today and did laundry and had a little bit of an attitude or maybe that was my imagination because I was feeling guilty over arguing with her last night about whether or not she should go to Chicago, and I have PMS, too, so it was a tense afternoon, and I hadn't had enough sleep anyway, so I hid in my room and napped a little, and when I got up, Rachel wanted to go out and do something.

We ended up driving to Rockford together to see a movie. We'd been wanting to see Heist, but the only place it was still playing was a crummy little dirty theater in an iffy neighborhood. It was a little more crowded than I expected, and two women sat behind us, talking loudly about a friend of theirs until their husbands showed up and sat down and then they talked out loud during the previews and ate popcorn with their mouths open and just generally got on my nerves!

Yesterday I went to the movies and the place was full of little kids who were absolutely quiet because evidently their mothers told them how to behave at the movies, but the people sitting behind us at the show tonight must not have gotten that memo, because they kept making comments to each other all during the movie! They thought they were pretty clever, too, but they were wrong! And that people, is why I don't like to go to see a movie in a theater!

When I wait until a movie released to video, I can watch it at home in my living room and when I need to go to the bathroom I can pause the movie until I get back, and when I tell people to be quiet, they mostly do!

1:08 a.m. - 2001-11-18


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