monkeymom's Diaryland Diary


The long day.

I just got back from the grocery store and while I was standing in the checkout line, I noticed the cashier appeared to be looking my way, possibly because I opened a Diet Pepsi and started drinking it while I was waiting, and I said to Rachel, "That girl is staring at me," and Rachel said, "Probably because she's never seen a monkey pushing a shopping cart before!" Har. Har.

So Joe's mother called last night and she had some more questions about the afghan she is knitting, and she wondered if she could come over to knit with us today. I had a couple of things that I wanted to get done today, but I thought we could knit for a couple of hours, get her a good start on her afghan, and then go out to do errands when she left.

Okay, we ended up spending oh, about 6 hours knitting with Betty, and she isn't really much farther along. It's been years since she knitted, and she doesn't remember how to do anything! She did take Rachel and I out to lunch, though, and I had a really good hamburger and fries.

After she left, we went to get Rich his cell phone, and then went to buy the groceries for Thanksgiving dinner. We thought about renting a movie, but decided we were both too tired. I've been up since 7:30 a.m.!

Kim was supposed to go on a field trip to see the Chicago Symphony Orchestra today, but she must have gotten a stomach virus, because she was sick before school this morning. Rich, thinking that maybe it was just the excitement, took her to school anyway, bought her a Coke to settle her stomach, and gave her small plastic trash can liner in case she felt sick on the bus later. He is such a guy. When she had to throw up again before they got on the bus, one of the teachers saw her, and sent her to the nurse, who called our house - at 7:15!

Rachel woke up when the phone rang and she was banging around in the bathroom so I woke up too. She picked up Kim at school and she spent the rest of the morning on the couch with her Coke and some crackers. About 9:30 we were all sitting in the living room with our knitting, watching The Price is Right, and it seemed like we had been up for hours ! It's such a long day when you get up too early.

7:23 p.m. - 2001-11-19


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