monkeymom's Diaryland Diary


The one where Rachel leaves.

We got up at 6 this morning to drive to Chicago. We took Sister Duede to the airport and got her checked in, but you can't go to the gate with passengers anymore, so we had to leave her in the line to get her carry on bag checked.

It was quite a weekend here. Her boyfriend arrived on Friday afternoon, and two of her friends from college came up on Saturday - they are both church members - Rachel helped convert one of them, and they are very good friends.

Saturday evening two more friends came over, one of them was Joel, Jeanette's former boyfriend, who just returned from a mission to Paraguay last month, and the other is a friend of Rachel's from high school. It was a lot of fun; we played Taboo and Uno, and everybody was pretty tired by 10:30!

Sunday Rachel spoke in church, and so did Rich, and Kim played the harp for the prelude music. They all did a nice job, and a lot of people admired the harp.

We left after sacrament meeting to drive to the stake center for Rachel to be set apart as a missionary. It was nice for Jason (her boyfriend) and her other two friends to be able to go with us. The stake president said that afterward she would be a missionary and she needed to follow the mission rules, so that meant that we would all have to call her Sister Duede, and that we couldn't watch TV or listen to the radio, and Kim was horrified to hear that she couldn't play video games!

In the blessing he gave her, the stake pres. said that she would have health to do what was required (which was good to hear, as I have been worried about the tiredness from the mono!), and that she would be able to see far ahead to warn other people of danger so they could avoid it (!), and that she would have a special kinship with the children and would be able to reach their families that way.

Since Rachel was a missionary, Kim sat between her and Jason in the car on the way home! Kevin and Alisha went home in the afternoon, but Jason stayed over for another night. It was a long night, since we couldn't watch TV, but it was fun because we played Taboo, and Harry Potter Trivia. We kept looking at the clock and being surprised at how early it was!

I went up to Rachel's room with her and Jason to help her pack, because I didn't think it would be appropriate for her to be in her bedroom with a boy since she was a missionary, and I stayed up there and hung out with them until we were all so tired we could hardly stay awake.

When I was in bed, I realized that I could still hear them talking, and I thought they had gone back up to her room, so I put on my robe and went to find them, but they were sitting in his room; she was on the stairs and he was on the bed. I told them that they could stay up but they had to stay where they were, they couldn't move from those spots, and they promised they would, so I went back to bed.

On Monday I came downstairs to find some roses in a vase on the counter - Jason woke up early, so he went out to the store and bought them for Rachel. We went out to Walmart and shopped for some last-minute items that she needed, and then Jason had to leave so that he would be back for FHE at night.

I let them go out to the car by themselves to say goodbye but I was watching out the window. They kept shaking hands and circling around, and he kept his hand on her arm for a while, and finally I thought they would never be able to say goodbye, so I took the dog out into the yard to break the mood, and Jason left. Rachel was teary, and he had been crying, too. Later I found out that he slept with one of her teddy bears, and that he took it home with him, and plans to call it Hermana. (Rachel will be Hermana Duede.)

Last night when I got home from work, Rachel and I packed the rest of her things, and gathered up a few things that she had almost forgotten, and we were both in bed by about 12:30, but I was laying there awake, and finally I went up to her room and sat in the big chair and we talked in the dark for a while until I got sleepy. We had some big laughs and it was fun.

Scott told her on the phone last night that she should wear missionary clothes since she had been set apart, so she wore a skirt and her new black trenchcoat to the airport today. She looked very cute, and she kept saying it was so weird to be there. We made some jokes about platform 9 and 3/4, and about closing your eyes and running right for the barrier, haha, and then we had to leave her there. Waaahh!

She's going to stay overnight in SLC with her best friend from college, Erin, and then Scott will go with her to say goodbye at the MTC tomorrow. The Clarks, a family from our ward who just moved to SLC, ( Brother Clark was Rachel's seminary teacher that she LOVED in her senior year in high school), are going to drive her from SLC to Provo, and she's excited to see them, too.

11:28 p.m. - 2001-11-27


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