monkeymom's Diaryland Diary


another long day

While I was making phone calls today, I called Shelley - she's the Young Women's president now- because I haven't talked to her in a long time, and she asked me if I had bought Kim a skirt? I knew she must mean the one Kim wore on Sunday, and I said no, that's an old one, and she told me that Kim has worn jeans to church the last couple of weeks and when she was asked about it by Sister Wackham, she said that she didn't have any clothes that fit!! I am so kicking her butt when she gets home!

She has that black skirt and a blue denim jumper that she doesn't like, and she only wears them on Sunday for a couple of hours and then puts them down the laundry chute, even though they're still clean. Well, then she is too freaking lazy to go and look for them when she needs them again and I haven't washed them, or she leaves it until the last minute because her and Rich are watching TV on Sunday morning while I am sleeping from working the midnight shift, so she goes to church with dirty unbrushed hair and teeth and wearing jeans because she doesn't have time to look for her clothes! I am so angry!

So I went upstairs and started going through her dressers and pulled out everything that doesn't fit or that she won't wear, because I'm sick of seeing her wear the same 4 shirts over and over and I want her to be able to see what she's got when she opens her drawers!

I filled a box with clothes to go to the Salvation Army! Then I went to Walmart and bought her two skirts, a sweater, a long corduroy jumper and a dress in small Women's sizes. I bought tights, a pair of dressy black ankle boots and boot socks, too. I'm having doubts about the dress, now, because it is dark red velvet, long with a draped neckline. I was thinking it would look good when she is playing the harp when I bought it, but now I think it's a little old for her. Of course it's the thing she liked best.

I started scolding Richard in email at work but of course he is oblivious because he is a stupid MAN! Apparently the young women's leaders DISCUSSED the problem in a meeting and wondered if they should offer Kim some of another girl's old clothes but then they didn't because Shelley didn't want to embarrass me! Helloooo??? I am happy to take someone else's old clothes! It's hard to buy clothes for someone Kim's size because she is in between a girl and a woman! Grrrr....

While I was at Walmart, I remembered why I haven't bought Kim any clothes for church there before - it's because the only dresses they carry for girls are horrible, frilly, cheap white-trash dresses, that's why!

I called home from work after school and scolded her for embarrassing me by telling people she doesn't have any clothes, and that pissed her off. Then I told her to look through the bags of new clothes and to call me back later and thank me, and she said in a very bitchy voice, "Can't I just thank you now?"

That brat.

11:43 p.m. - 2002-01-09


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