monkeymom's Diaryland Diary


Just babbling.

Jan 10, at work, around midnight:

It�s still so warm here that Ruthann and I went shopping yesterday without our coats! Can you believe that? We�re supposed to get a little snow in the next few days, but nothing big. It�s so odd not to have it, but it�s nice!

I brought my knitting to work, and a frozen dinner to eat later. I�ve got a book to read, and reports to do, so I should be entertained.

I�ve been working on the dark green Norwegian sweater. I started it for you when you said you were cold out there, and I might have it done in time to mail it to you before you leave the country � if it�s done, do you want it? It looks like it�s coming out pretty big, and I don�t think it will look dressy, but it will be warm!

I�ll keep working on the two Dale sweaters for you, but I don�t want to mail them to Argentina. On one of the missionary websites, there was a letter from the mission office that asked families not to mail packages to the missionaries very often because of the customs regulations, and they said that it can take months to get packages to them, so I really don�t want to send a valuable sweater through the mail. It will be waiting for you when you get home! I�ve got one of your lopi socks done and I�ll start the other one tonight at work, so I can mail those this week, and if you need anything else, you can buy it down there.

I talked to Kimela today � she was one of the people I recruited to help Sister Karney in the morning this week, and she was calling to report on how it went. It was actually a pretty funny story; she said she got up early but she nodded off again and when she woke up it was almost 6, and she was supposed to be there at 5:30, so she went out in her pajamas and slippers, with her bra and shoes in a bag! When she got there, Heather had missed her ride to seminary because she didn�t want to leave until someone was there to watch the baby (who was sleeping) and so Kimela drove her to seminary and then went back to the house. The baby never did wake up while she was there.

I told her that would make a good story if she wrote it in a letter to Cameron, and she said that he is coming home in a week! So then I started crying! It was a little embarrassing.

I�m looking forward to getting your letters every week, it�s the high point of my week, believe me! I read them to Sarah, Scott, Kim, Dad, Jeanette, anyone who will sit still and listen, and then I put them in your book. They�ll be fun for you to read when you get back.

There were a bunch of postings to the Missionary Moms list yesterday about the new ruling that allows missionaries to use the internet to send and receive email. It�s because since Sept. 11, and then the Anthrax problems, the mail has been so slow. The mom who runs the list had even called the Mission office to check and see if it was true before she reported it. Then it was mentioned on the LDS Daily News email list, today, so it must be true, but I don�t know how it will affect us personally. It said that missionaries could use email at member�s homes or at libraries with internet access, or internet cafes, where they are available, except maybe in Germany, because they have live strippers in the internet cafes there!

I was already planning to use the email service that is run by a member who has arrangements made with members in wards and branches in many countries around the world to have a member in an area receive the letter through email, and deliver it to the mission home. I thought it sounded like a good idea, and it�s faster than pouch mail. If there is a better way for you to get email than that, you can let me know. Email is a good way for you to get mail from us, but not as good for you to send mail, because it�s not as easy and portable as say, taking a pad of paper to the laundromat with you, to write while you do laundry.

Well, I�m just babbling now, so I�ll close this.

Love you muchly.


12:00 p.m. - 2002-01-10


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