monkeymom's Diaryland Diary


Monkey whines

18 January, 2002

HI Moosk,

I just got back from Rockford. Ruthann had the afternoon free and I don�t have to work, so we went to Rockford, bought some yarn at Michaels, and ate lunch at Baker�s Square, and then came on home. It was a nice little outing and I had the great Cobb Salad, so I�m happy.

I bought yarn for a plain sweater for Kim, which will be a nice change from the sweaters I have been sweating blood over lately! Yesterday, I finished all the pieces of the Norwegian sweater for you, and after work, I tried to do the sewing so that I could cut the steeks, but my machine went all bezique and I ended up using some filthy language (only in my head, of course, har har) and then I put it away and went up to bed to read Bridget Jones, the Edge of Reason until I got sleepy. That book is so funny!

So this morning I got up and went to Ruthann�s to use her sewing machine, and I got the steeks sewn, and also, I realized that I forgot to do the shaping for the neckline when I was knitting the body, so I sewed in some cutting lines for a scoop neck. I will work on this tonight while I watch TV, and with any luck, I will manage to finish it and mail it tomorrow.

I got a very nice letter from Karin today. I added her to my letter list, and she is most appreciative. I know Scott also wrote a letter to her this week, and she will be happy to get it. I hope she makes some friends at Ricks. She said she�s very homesick, and she sounds lonely. You know I like everyone to be happy! She signed her letter with a quote from Lord of the Rings and asked if that movie ever gets old. Hmm, I have to say, that after I�ve seen it three times, there are parts of it that I�m so over!

Later �

I�m taking a break from your sweater, which is all done except for the little bits of hand-finishing � the hem, weaving in the ends, and I will be able to mail it tomorrow. Then I�ll start an easy sweater for Kim, and the equally easy vest for David. Let me know the minute you get the sweater, because I think you will like it. It�s big and heavy though! Here is a picture of Kim, wearing the sweater! (Taken in the morning, when the sweater is DONE)

So anyway, I found a Smurf website, and I�m going to play a game now. I�ll show it to Kim tomorrow, because that little crabapple went to bed. We read the last chapter of Ether tonight, and she found the imagery of Corianumr and Shiz killing each other very funny. The Lord of the Rings has scenes that are a lot like some of the stories in the B of M � the orcs smelting tons of ore and making helmets and breastplates and weapons, really, it�s so like the B of M, it made me feel kind of sick.

19 January, 2002

I just wrote a letter to Elder Oswald, the one who asked for my autograph because he liked your sweater. I put a picture of Kim wearing the new sweater in his letter.

I called Gabe to tell him when I got his quarter in the mail, but the little weasel hasn�t been over to get it. Hmmm, I guess it wasn�t so very important, was it?

Kim still had some Christmas money left, so we just went to Rockford with Dad to buy a memory chip for the Dreamcast. We got the chip at Media Play, and Dad got a book about Buffy the Vampire Slayer. We listened to the soundtrack to Joseph and the Amazing blah blah blah on the way home. I looked through the CDs in the car for Cake, Comfort Eagle, but I couldn�t find it, and finally Kim said it was in her room! Haha, the baby is growing up!

I talked to Scott on Thursday, and he said that he is having a Crane Test in Kung Fu today, so he couldn�t plan a group activity with his friends for today. He said that in Kung Fu class on Thursday they were practicing for the Crane Test, so they had to hop all over the studio, and land properly! He said he was tired and sore! My baby.

Well I�m going to go work on some knitting now. Nothing exciting or amusing is happening here, so you aren�t missing anything. I was hoping to get a letter from you in the mail today, but there wasn�t one�sniff�I won�t get one on Monday, either, because there is no mail delivery because of the stupid holiday. That also means I won�t be a able to mail your sweater until Tuesday, but I�ll send it some fast way, like Express mail or something so you�ll get it by the end of the week.

Love you boo

Sunday, January 20, 2002

Since I got your website caught up, I have been sending people the URL so they can look at it, and one of the people I sent it to was Kevin. He wrote a very short note back and said he liked it and then he said he is going to the temple for his own endowment in February. Wow, what a guy.

This week both Cameron W. and Chris R. got home from their missions. Cameron spoke in church today and Chris will speak next week, when I�m not there. Darn, I�d much rather hear Chris! Then Jennie E. reminded me that Chris will be speaking at a youth fireside in the evening on Sunday, so if I can remember it, I�ll go to that.

I sat next to Heather in Sunday School, and Michaela showed up! She came to visit her family for a week, and she asked me for your pouch mail address. Of course she�ll probably never write. I gave her the URL for your website, and it has the mission home address on it, so if she does want to write, she can write to that address.

I went to RS and it was pretty much killing me, so after the unbearable missionary story, I told Heather I was going to start coughing real hard and leave, and she said, Go for it! I stayed for a couple of minutes more, but then I looked at the clock just as the lesson was about to start and murmured to Michaela, who was next to me, that I had to go somewhere at 11:30, so I took my knitting and my bag and left. I went to the nursery and when I got there, Dad said that Kim was going to be set apart to be the first counselor in the Beehives, so it was lucky I showed up when I did. Jennie E. came in to watch the nursery and we went to YW and Dad helped set her apart.

Well, I just got up from a nap because I have to work tonight. Tomorrow Heather is supposed to come over to learn to knit a hat, and that should be fun. I�ll be running out to Pack N Post first thing on Tuesday to mail your sweater to you, and I hope to get a letter from you, since I didn�t get one Friday or Saturday. Hooooooooo.

Love you


11:30 a.m. - 2002-01-18


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