monkeymom's Diaryland Diary


Some hot elf, huh?

14 January, 2002

Dear Mooksy,

I scanned the picture of your district and sent it to various family members, then I printed one for the cover of your letter notebook. I called Scott and read it to him, and I called Jason the Great Moron on his cell phone, and he said he was on his way to FHE and it sounded like there were people in the car with him, and he actually sounded a little restrained, or like I was bothering him, so whatever. He said he�d call me back later, but if he doesn�t I don�t really care. I only called him because I miss you. (P.S. he never called me back.)

Kim and I printed a bunch of ugly-ass Dragonballs pictures for Elder Sanchez, and I will mail them in a packet when I send your sweater and socks, which will be in a couple of days, because I�m not quite done with the sweater. I�m halfway up the second sleeve. I forgot all about knitting something in the hem, so I might have to take out the hem and knit a message in it when I�m done with the sleeves. I�ll see how long the sleeve takes me. I�m going to send some Tylenol PM, too.

Kim was crying over a song for the New Beginnings program tonight. She keeps reading the words so that she can get used to them and not cry, but it�s not working. She�s been crying over it twice today. Tonight we were getting ready to read our scriptures together, and she started thumbing through her B of M, looking for something that would help her be able to control her emotions. I just don�t know what to tell her. I said to just sniff and wipe her eyes, because it�s no big deal, but you know how she gets, she starts sobbing! I offered to call Shelley and ask to have Kim excused from singing, but no, she wants to do it, so I guess we�ll just have to hope for the best.

I�ll tell you what, though, she is so growing up! The other night I was having back spasms before work, and I had to go to work � there�s no one I could call to work the shift who knows the ops jobs except Dee, and it was her night off, so I knew she wouldn�t have slept, so I took some vicodan and some advil (drug overdose, anyone?) and I was crying about it because it was so bad and I had to go to work, so Kim suggested that we say a prayer, and I said okay, and asked her to say it, and she said a very wonderful prayer. She was just great!

Well, sadly, it didn�t cure my back and I had to go to work and it was the most terrible night � I was in agony, burning up and then chilled, in terrible pain, and throwing up! I waited until 3 to call Lucille and asked her to come in to work at 4, because she has done that before, only with more notice! By then I was able to have the ops jobs done up to the point where she could take over. It was so wonderful to come home and get in bed! I took a Sleep Aid capsule to knock myself out, and when I woke up, I was feeling a lot better, only I had a sore throat, then today I�ve had a headache and stomach cramps, so I think it was some kind of a virus.

The point of that story is, though, that Kim said a beautiful, thoughtful prayer, and I was so proud of her.

Yesterday Kim was talking about Lauren, the other harpist at school. She said that Lauren is in first chair and also plays the piano well. Hmph! You know I like (and expect) my kids to be the best! I was telling Scott about Lauren playing better than Kim, and he said that Kim should practice and destroy her! Grind her into Dust! Haha, he is so funny! He says he ate lunch with the girl he knows who plays the harp and she was delighted that Kim plays, too. Apparently that girl played the piano for years and then decided she wanted to learn the harp not that long ago, so she begged her parents and they bought her a low-end concert harp. That�s so cool, and she�ll make money playing at weddings at BYU!

Scott also said they were challenged on Sunday at a fireside, I think, to read the B of M in 80 days. Apparently that�s at the 3 chapter a day rate, so I think I�ll do it, too. Kim and I started reading 3 a day to get done at the end of the year, but we slacked off after Christmas because we weren�t able to read on the nights I worked 3-11, so now we only read two a night. Tonight we were reading Ether, right at the end where it�s very exciting, and Kim wanted to stop after 2 chapters, even though I told her the next chapter, the last one was very exciting!

Dad sat in the living room tonight packing up bags for TEAMS. He is putting together the skate-a-pult kits from the ones he disassembled this summer. He also spent some time practicing for his next belt test! He said the word is out that they need to know some background or theory or something like that, I forgot what he said, but he has to study up on it.

We do still have the toll-free number, so please call if you can. If you can find out what time your flight leaves, I can be sure to be home and sitting next to the phone at that time!

Well, I�m going to go read a book and work on the sleeve of that sweater. I�ll write more tomorrow.

Love you


P.S. I�m going to see Lord of the Rings again this afternoon, this time with Ruthann, so I�m enclosing a picture of a British actor, Orlando Bloom, who is Legolas the elf. Mmmmmm, looks like lunch, doesn�t he? Kim and I both agree he is the most attractive character in LotR, but we also like Stryder.

11:22 a.m. - 2002-01-14


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