monkeymom's Diaryland Diary


Why I hate my job today.

Hi Mooksy,

I�m waiting for Ruthann to come over so we can go to Imperial Palace for lunch, and then to the library to get some library books so that I can have something to read while I knit on the very large and mindless vest for David. I just want to finish it so I can start something fun.

I did a few rows on the Nagano sweater yesterday, but I think I�ll get some real work done on it next month when I have the Olympics to watch. The other Norwegian sweater that�s up in my room by my bed is just laying in the basket, because even though it isn�t difficult, I�m working on the vest for David. I have socks to finish too, so you can see that I need to so some of this stuff, but I need some good books.

I think it�s just because I�m bored and lonely, but I can�t seem to concentrate on anything. Maybe I just haven�t had anything worth reading in a while. I haven�t rented any movies since you left, except that one batch that turned out to be a big disappointment and I didn�t even watch most of them. It�s no fun without you.

I talked to Jeanette last night, and I still wish she would come down here and live with us, but I doubt she�s going to. She�s got a job, she�s doing things with some friends from work, she�s got her classes at WCC, and she won�t want to leave her boyfriend, who sounds dull to me, but oh well.

We had a meeting at work yesterday and afterward I felt like no one loved me and that I had just shot my mouth off the entire time, but Lucille and Dee assured me that I was fine. Of course, Dee is such a damn liar, I can�t take her word for anything. She is actually freaking me out over this one weird thing at work. I�m hoping Ruthann will show up in a minute so I�ll tell you more about it later.

Later --- I just got back from the library and a big yummy lunch at the Chinese restaurant. Okay, now I have books and knitting and I will be happy, happy I say!!

So the weird thing is this � there are a couple of crazy people that call the switchboard in the middle of the night because Dee talks to them, even though she denies it, but that�s why they keep calling back. Well, one of them is a real lunatic named Erma, and she has called a couple of times when I�ve been working and I brush her off as fast as I can, but Dee claims that she can�t get rid of her, and she is making a big deal out of it. Then the other day, Bill from Security came in and he knows what a liar Dee is, but he told me that Dee told him that Erma was asking about him by name! He asked if anything had been said by either Erma or Dee to me about that and I said, no and he was kind of pissy about it, and said well, she�s crazy, and I agreed. That was at least a week ago, maybe two weeks, and now Dee kept mentioning Erma in the meeting yesterday, and she said she wanted to talk to Mike about that after the meeting, so last night she came in to work and was talking about it, and I told her that I don�t encourage Erma to talk to me, in fact I didn�t even know her name, and then she started saying that Erma asked about me, and knows my name, and that she asked about one of the ER nurses, too, and that she seems to know a lot about the hospital, so Dee thinks she has inside information. I think that Dee needs to put down the crackpipe, and that she is just making it up as she goes along, trying to create a mystery. I�m pretty sure it�s all a lie, but I can�t prove it, and it�s creeping me out. I kind of think I�d like to talk to Mike about it, but I don�t know if should, and I don�t know how he�ll respond. Maybe I�ll talk to the nursing supervisor about, the one that seems to know the most about it, because she works a lot of the nights that Dee is on the S/B.

Well, I�m going to go read for a few minutes and then pack my back to go to work.

24 January, 2002

It was an interesting night at work. Billy No-mates from the I.S. dept kept hanging around my office for like 3 hours! He finally said he didn�t want to go home because they were doing some work on the sewers outside his apartment and wouldn�t be done until 8. So we talked about TV and stuff at work. He�s the same age as Jeanette, and he knows Boris Badenov from school! That was a name he hadn�t heard in a long time. Wasn�t it Boris that got a ride home from school with you once and then asked you if you wanted to go to a movie, and you brought your brother along, and Gabe? Or was that someone else? Because I told Billy it was Boris. Anyway, it was interesting that Billy knew I applied for the Help Desk job, so apparently it�s been talked about in the dept. Hmmm, I was too embarrassed to try to find out what anyone else thinks about that. He said there have been about 5 people applying for that job from inside the hospital and one from outside. I wonder who the other inside applicants are? Dad thinks it�s a bad idea for me to take that job (if it�s even offered to me), but I would like to at least talk about it with Mike.

It really made the night go fast, having Billy sitting there entertaining me! The other interesting thing about work last night, was that I found out that many other people are aware of Dee�s compulsive lying! Barb and I have known it for a while, and we wondered if Mike knew, and then I found out that he does, but when I got to work yesterday, I started telling Barb about the Erma story that Dee is telling, and Nadine joined it with a crazy story that Dee told her, so apparently everyone knows it. Even Billy knew about it, and later when I talked to the Nursing Supervisor, she seemed to know, too. Well, that�s a relief, because if everyone is aware, then I feel better. It was giving me such a weird, Twilight Zone feeling yesterday when I was thinking about things and trying to decide what was true and what wasn�t.

In other news, Kim has the YW New Beginnings program tonight and she was practicing reading through one of the songs so she could get used to it because it was making her cry. I don�t know how she�s feeling about that now, so we�ll see how it goes tonight. I have to work, thank goodness, but Dad will �wait a minute, that was yesterday! I just realized it�s Wednesday! I just tried to call Dad, but he�s not at his desk! Kim was supposed to play the harp at the program, too! I have to find out from someone� who can I call?

Well, I�ll report back on it later. I�m enclosing a new note from the message board on your website. It�s a message from Jason. I went in and edited his note because you know how he mispells and leaves out words. I left the subject line alone, because I wasn�t sure what he meant to say there. He has never contacted me at all, but I sent him the URL for your site.

Grandpa says he sent cookies to you and to Scott this week, so I know you are thrilled with them. I talked to Scott, and he sure was! You should be getting the new sweater on Friday and I wish I could be there when you open it. Don�t you love the message in the hem? I got the letter in which you said that you want a black skirt and a new top, so I�ll be sending something for you soonish.

Love you-


11:35 a.m. - 2002-01-23


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