monkeymom's Diaryland Diary


Mostly knitting, and a phone call from Joe.

Dear Mooksy,

It was great to talk to you today, even if it was just for ten minutes. I called Hermana Jenssen�s mother and gave her the message. I also told her about the website at, and they aren�t on the internet at home, but she said she�d have her husband check it at work. She asked if I was worried about you going to Argentina, but I said no, I think it will be a big adventure, so I think maybe she is a little worried.

Your site gets a lot of hits, and by the way, it says you have 485 days to go. Scott got his laptop back and he�s back online, so he read your letters and looked at the site, and left a message for you.

Ruthann called this morning and asked me to come over to keep her company and help her bind off her dishcloth, so after I talked to you, I went over there and took some Whoppers and we knitted and she learned to purl and is working on another dishcloth. I worked on a pair of socks that I�m doing for pay, so you know that makes it work and I don�t want to do them. They�re just two-strand Wool-ease socks, so they go fast if I would work on them!

Ruthann had rented a movie � That Darn Cat, the original, and it wasn�t due back until Wednesday, so I brought it home and watched it with Kim tonight. She thought it was pretty good. David McD came over to try on the vest I just finished for him, and he ended up staying for a while and chatting online with Scott.

David�s vest is perfect! It�s a great fit, and it knitted up beautifully. I used the vest pattern that was in the Winter issue of Interweave Knits, and I started one for Scott next because David�s looks so good. The vest pattern is written for sizes from Children to Xlarge adults, and it�s written for 4 different gauges of yarn and two different styles of vest! It�s a wonderful pattern!

So after the movie Kim started getting ready for bed, and when she changed into her sleeping things, she started to brush her hair and found that it was stiff and stuck together in the back because Hannah, that PITA, had thrown a can of pop at her on the way home. She said that Hannah told her it only got on her backpack, but I guess Hannah was lying, wasn�t she? So at 9:30 at night, I had to wash her hair in the kitchen sink.

Kim says that Hannah thinks the people they walk home with, who are Kim�s friends, are �obnoxious�, but apparently none of those people (Tennille and Stuart, and Peter K) like Hannah, so there you go. Hannah developed a crush on Cole when they walked home a couple of times together when Kim was home sick, but Cole isn�t interested in Hannah, and anyway, he stays after school for rehearsals now that he�s in the play.

Kim has been practicing her instruments 5 times a week faithfully since we made that deal about the Gamecube! She missed a day one week, but she did an extra day the next week. Apparently she didn�t miss the New Beginnings program last week, it�s this week, and she has to go early to play the harp for prelude music. Isn�t that cute?

Well, since I am just wandering around the house tonight, looking for entertainment, I think I�ll go to bed and read and knit for a couple of hours.

Miss you boobutt.


PS Kim was thrilled that you liked her dragon picture. She made one for Scott, too, but I am such a slacker, I haven�t mailed it to him yet.

29 January

Okay so I�m just hanging around the house today and RA called and she�s really down. She�s sick of taking care of her mother, and I don�t blame her one bit! It�s funny, she went out with Linda E for lunch the other day, and they were talking about how hard it is having people living with you � which I can completely identify with � and Linda has her married son and his wife living with her, in the basement and she�s tired of it, too.

So I was just hanging around here, and I got a call from Joe. He�s on his cell phone, driving to his morning class and he said he had a message on the message board yesterday with an 800 number, so he thought it might be me. Nope, it wasn�t me, bvt we talked a little bit. He said he saw TODD on MSN messenger yesterday, and talked to him for a long time. Todd is still in Mexico, but the missionaries can use email now, so he was on line. (I don�t think they�re supposed to be chatting, so if they abuse the email privilige they will probably lose it). Joe started talking about the date for the wedding, which is July 19 in Nauvoo, and the reception is the 20th, and then Todd was like, the date for what? And apparently he hasn�t gotten the letter about it, which is so weird, because I mailed it way back when they first got engaged! I wrote about it and also enclosed a letter from Joe that he emailed to me to send to Todd. Joe asked if Todd was getting his mail and he said he gets it but it takes about a month!! Who knew? Since he never writes back, I have no idea.

So Joe was driving to class and talking to me and he got sent on a detour by a cop because there was an accident blocking the road. The cop gave him a big long string of directions and then Joe drove away and said he wasn�t going to be going to class because he didn�t get all that!! Then he saw another guy he knew driving that way, so he started following him, and hoping he�d end up at the airport. That was amusing, but I didn�t have a lot to say, so I blew him off. I felt kind of bad about it, but oh well.

I just don�t have that much going on to talk about lately. Maybe it�s just that it�s a boring time of year, or maybe I�m just boring, but I haven�t been calling anyone because I don�t have anything to say.

You know that job I went to talk to Mike about? At first I thought it would be a good idea and a nice change, but then the more I think about it, I�m not so sure. It would be nice to have a day job, so that I could be home at night like normal people, but I would lose the extra money I get for working nights. The job itself would require more effort on my part, too, and I�m not sure I want to make more effort. That�s what I love about the job I have � it�s painless for the most part, I just sit there and talk on the phone and play computer games. Oh man, what was I thinking of? I just wanted a change, and I wanted to burn NFB by getting a job she would like to have� Oh I�m evil, pure evil. Yes, I think if Mike offers me that job, and there�s no guarantee that he will, because he�s probably had lots of qualified applicants, I think I will have to decline. I hope he finds someone amazing to hire out of the people he interviewed, so he can feel a little cheesy by not offering it to me, instead of me feeling cheesy by turning it down. Is that sick? Dad doesn�t want me to take the job anyway, he thought it was a bad idea from the start.

I�m sorry to be so boring about this. The only other thing on my mind today is the vest I�m knitting for Scott. David tried his on yesterday and it fit perfectly, and it looks great, so I�m working on Scott�s now!

Well I hope you mailed me a letter today so I�ll get some mail this week. I can�t wait to start hearing about Argentina!!

Love you - Mumsy

11:52 a.m. - 2002-01-28


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