monkeymom's Diaryland Diary



15 April, 2002

Dear Rachel,

I just got out of bed after I worked the midnight shift last night, and I woke up at 1:30, when there was the sound of a car crash in front of our house! There is a car sitting on Judy�s lawn, and there are three police cars, an ambulance and a fire truck in the street. The car on Judy�s lawn is damaged, but not totaled, and there is a car parked across the street on the other side, in front of Jake�s house, that looks fine, but was involved somehow, because they are sitting there talking to the police.

The fire truck and the ambulance just left, so apparently they weren�t needed, and most of the neighbors have gone back into their houses now. Kim stayed home from school with a sore throat today, so she has had a little entertainment. It looks like the utility pole at the corner of the street was damaged somehow.

When I was missing you last week, I called the missionaries and invited them over for pizza (Papa John makes spinach pizza now, which is pretty good.) and one of them mentioned a movie about a missionary who leaves his girlfriend and goes to an island where no one speaks English. He said it was being made by Hollywood producers and had some people who were actors in other movies in it.

Then Grandpa wrote me an email this week that mentioned a new movie called The Other Side of Heaven. His note said:

I see there is a new movie out that must have been made for you and Rich. The other side of Heaven. A Mormon boy leaves his girl friend for his mission. He goes to a Island in the Pacific. To a village where only 1 person can speech English. Tell Scott not to go there.

So I looked it up on the internet and it�s showing in Rockford, so we�re going to see it tonight. I saw in a review that it was adapted from a book by the real missionary who served on the island, so I went looking for the book, and Amazon said it was out of print, but BYU bookstore has it in paperback, so I called Scott and told him to get it for me and he said he would.

(I interrupt this letter to give you an update on the accident � the damaged car is sitting on Judy�s lawn and an Alber tow truck just backed across our lawn to get to it, to tow it away. No problem buddy, you don�t need to apologize to me, just take a piece of lawn with you, okay? The last cop here just kicked a couple of pieces of that car out of the middle of the road and left them at the curb � thank goodness he didn�t have to bend over to pick them up, he could have injured himself.)

Now back to our story..

So then I called Ruthann to tell her about the movie, and she thought it sounded familiar, and she recognized the author�s name, and went to find the book on her bookshelf, along with a second book he wrote later when he was the mission president in that area, so I borrowed the books from her yesterday and read most of the first one at work last night.

And that, my friend, is Serendipity.


I just came home from Kim�s doctor visit and she does have strep throat again. We went to Walmart and bought her a pair of Capri jeans while we were waiting for her prescription, and then we came home and talked to a couple of the neighbors about the accident.

Next day, Tuesday

We went to see the movie last night, and there were a bunch of Mormons in the theater but since it was Colonial Village you know that the people sitting behind me talked through the movie. They were old people who had to state the obvious out loud when they saw it. People had small children there, too, the idiots. After the movie, when we were trying to watch the credits in peace, the old people behind us thought they were being funny and kept saying, Where�s the swearing? Yeah, where�s the swearing? Was that a movie with no swearing? And I muttered to Rich, Here�s the swearing, would you fucking morons shut up!!

Oh, when the missionaries were here on Friday, one of them said he�s got a buddy on a mission in BAS, his name is Greg Smith. So if you meet him, Elder Hatch says hello. Have you run into Marc Gibert yet? His mother finally got a letter from him and he mentioned throwing toilet paper in a bucket instead of flushing it, haha! The Elders who ate here also said that a couple of the Aquabats were LDS and their drummer was too, he plays with Blink 182 now. Or he used to be with Blink 182 and now he�s with the Aquabats, I can�t remember which, but I looked up the thing about the Aquabats on the internet, and it�s true.

So it�s just like summer here this week, I mean it�s been so warm and everything is green and it smells like summer. It was 80 yesterday! On Saturday, when I went to Ruthann�s to borrow that book, we went out to get a Diet Pepsi and just cruised in the car all over town, and people were out with their babies in strollers, or walking their dogs, because it was beautiful out!

Last night I was tired from working midnights so I went to bed early and that caused me to wake up way early today, but that�s okay because it�s a beautiful day and I don�t have to work.

Love you boo. Mumsy

12:49 p.m. - 2002-04-15


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