monkeymom's Diaryland Diary


It's like thunder..lightening


Dear Mooks,

I came in to work a few minutes early because I was just sitting at home doing nothing, and it was hot and humid in the house. We�ve had really hot weather for the last couple of days, and today it has been raining. When I drove in to work, the sky was full of lightening. It�s supposed to cool way down this weekend, and I�m looking forward to it.

I was so happy to get your wonderful long letter yesterday! It was great, and I typed it in to the website right away. When I get your letters, I usually type the whole thing and post it, the exception is a personal note for someone, like the P.S. to give a message to Scott and Kevin. I marked the parts of the letter that you wanted them to read with an * at the beginning and end, and then I told each of them that you want them to read that part.

I wasn�t sure if Kevin ever checks his email, so I left a message on Jason�s cell phone, (and I�m afraid I was a little pissy about it, because he tells me to call him, and when I do he never calls me back!) and I left both my home and work 800 #s and said I had a message for Kevin. Later that night, at work, I hadn�t heard back from Jason, and didn�t expect to, so I went on the internet to look for Kevin�s phone number. There were two listings for Kevin Shea in the 618 area code, so I left a message with both of them, and Kevin called me back later. He said I must have talked to Erin, but I said no, I haven�t talked to Erin in a long time, and he said, oh, he had talked to her earlier in the day, but I didn�t question him about that, I just gave him the message from you, and he said don�t spend money writing to him, it�s more important to write to ME (very true). He told me about his broken finger, and how he got it at a party for some of the nurses he works with, and Alisha was with him but didn�t get injured, and I had to keep putting him on hold because I was working, so I let him go.

So today he wrote me a nice little email thanking me for giving him the message and said it means a lot to him. Awww. I still haven�t gotten any response from Someone�s Boyfriend. Possibly because I said I didn�t expect him to call me back, since he never f�ing does. Was that hostile?

Oh, you can write to your brother at home now, because Dad is going out to get him next week. The last day of school is April 25th.

Then today I got an IM from Erin who said that she had an interesting talk with Kevin yesterday in which he indicated that he is a little tired of Alisha, and admitted to having feelings for YOU. Just thought I�d let you know. I saved the IM conversation so you can read it later. Like in a year. �sniff� Erin also said that she talked to Jason yesterday but she didn�t seem very excited about it, and didn�t have much to say about it. You never say if he writes to you, in fact you never answer any of my questions! I�m still wondering what is the best way to get extra money to you?

Kimberly stayed after school yesterday for a Young Authors Recognition ceremony, and she got an Honorable Mention ribbon and a Harry Potter banner. She is taking it very well that she didn�t really win anything, but she�s a little hurt by it. She said tonight that she is trying not to feel jealous of Lauren, who won in the 7th grade. Tennille won in the 8th grade.

We put the dog on the leash and went out for a brisk two-block walk tonight. It�s pathetic how out of shape I am, but we are going to start walking more. Not that it will change anything. Ruthann is swimming in the mornings and using the weight machines at the Y, but I can�t go at that hour, and I am certainly not going to go by myself.

Ruthann and I went to HCC for our weekly manicures today, and I invited Kelly to come over and bring her boyfriend, who lives not too far from us, to watch God�s Army with me. I just got the DVD in the mail yesterday, but I was afraid it would be too hokey to watch by myself. Well of course she didn�t bring him over, I don�t know why I even ask her, she never does, and then she tried to deny that they do any smooching, like I�m going to believe that. I guess she thinks I�m stupid.

So I ended up watching God�s Army by myself and I loved it! I tried to get Kim to watch it, but no, she had to chat on AOL with Caitlin, so I just knitted on Scott�s Vest of Many Colors and watched it. It was great! It was better than the movie we saw on Monday, although that one was good, but this was better. God�s Army was written, directed, and produced by the actor who plays Elder Dalton in it, and he has also written, directed and produced the murder mystery, Brigham City, which I am dying to see, but it�s not being released on video until May or June. I pre-ordered it, and that�s when I ordered God�s Army, too. Some of the same actors from God�s Army are in Brigham City. They aren�t all LDS, which I thought was cool, in fact the one who plays Elder Allen in G. A. also plays a character in Brigham City, and he�s Jewish. I�m going to knit Scott a plain dark-colored v-neck sweater like the one Elder Allen wears in the last scene of G. A. (when he�s married) because he looked so very attractive in it.

I brought a book to work to read tonight, and I�ve got some knitting with me. Nothing I�m excited about. I started a bunch of sweaters a couple of weeks ago, and I�m realizing that none of them are what I want to work on. I want to do some plain, simple pieces that I can work on while I read. So I have to change some of my plans. The vest for Scott is something I have to do when I�m watching TV or a movie because it�s not complicated but it involves carrying 3 colors at a time and weaving them under each other, so I have to keep looking at it. There is one I started for myself, but I�m going to change it to eliminate the cabling in the front because it�s a complicated cable, not a simple one.

Oh and the t-shirt I started for Kim with the Dk. Green cotton-y yarn? The scoop neck was too low, so I ripped back the top and made it into a vest for Scott. It had the same amount of stitches as a vest in his size, and the broken rib pattern looks good in a vest. I�m doing another t-shirt for Kim with the cotton and silk nubbly yarn I bought in AZ that wasn�t enough to make something for you. It�s just a top-down v-neck that I don�t even need a pattern to make.

Oh my gosh, the weather alarm just went off in my office and my heart almost stopped! A severe thunderstorm warning continues for every county around until 1 a.m. I hope Barb got home okay. She usually calls me when she gets home if the weather is bad.


Well, Dad and I went to a play at HCC tonight because Andy from work (security) was in it. It wasn�t exactly a play, it was short monologues and scenes, and Andy did four pieces that he wrote, and they were excellent! He can really act! I knew he could write because he read a couple of monologues to me last week and they were SLAYING me � I was laughing so hard that I started wheezing and thought I�d choke to death; I need a new inhaler! Anyway his writing is good, and his acting is, too. I don�t know why he doesn�t move to Chicago and get involved in theater there.

So here�s the funny part, guess who was in some of the scenes? Jayelle! Before the play opened, some of the actors came out to chat with the audience members, and she was talking to a man in front of us and then I introduced myself and she started talking about the time she fell down the laundry chute! I told her you're in South America and I mentioned that you still haven�t gotten your book back! She said she read it again a couple of years ago. Hmm, she didn�t offer to give it back�

I had some knitting in my purse that I pulled out to work on during the second half, when the students did a one-act play, a version of Kafka�s Metamorphosis, which was good, but not something I would have chosen to watch. After the show, the students came out on the stage and wanted to have a dialogue with audience members about their interpretation of the play, which was just the kind of pretentious stuff I would have liked to avoid, but darn it, we were sitting in the back and there was no way to get out of there.

We were all sitting in the bleachers that were set up on the stage, to make it a small, intimate, setting, so afterward Dad had to go under the bleachers to get my yarn.

When we got home it was 9:30, but Kim had her bag all packed to go to sleepover at Caitlin�s, so Dad took her over there and I stayed home and got ready to come to work.

Monday, April 22, 2002

Dad left this morning to bring Scott home from BYU! Yeah! I can�t wait until he gets home and can groom his hairy, matted cat! While Dad is gone, I have to get up early and drive Kim to school every day, ugh, and I had to arrange to trade a day with Barb so that I can take her and her harp to the concert on Wednesday night. I have to fit the harp into the SATURN!

I�ve seen God�s Army three times this weekend; on Friday when I watched it myself, with Dad on Saturday, and he loved it too, and then with Dad and Kim on Sunday.

Since I worked the midnight shift all weekend, I couldn�t sleep last night, so I ended up staying up until 4 in the morning! I got a lot of knitting done, so I�m just a few inches away from finishing a cute cotton top for Kim, using a top-down, seamless raglan pattern from a book I bought at the FIBER FAIR on Saturday.

That�s right, Saturday was the fiber fair. I think it was smaller this year, in fact I�m sure it was. But I saw the Mennonite kids and Adam said he had been looking forward to being beaten by you in the drop spindle contest this year. I told him you hadn�t been practicing anyway, and that maybe you�ll be back in time for it next year.

Mary Boeke-Hill was there and she was running around all excited because she had bought a mouse in a little cage and was going to name it Sophie. I suggested that, living in an old house and all, perhaps she could have just gone to her basement to catch a mouse, but she didn�t think much of that idea.

I bought some beautiful soft, fine, lama wool from Gunhilde, and she had some other yarn there that I was interested in, too, but I was trying to keep expenses down because of Dad�s trip this week, so I only bought the lama wool from her and some sock yarn and a couple of books from Susan�s Fiber Shop.

You should see the beautiful work Kim is doing on her non-fiction book project for one of her classes! She is so good at doing projects! She had good ideas and she just figures them out and does them! She has to make an alphabet book, using subjects from the book for each letter of the alphabet and she has copied pictures from the book, using the scanner, to make illustrations, plus she draws some of the illustrations, too. They had to make a poem about each letter, and she has done an excellent job. Her book is about the Mormons and the Pioneer Trail, and it�s so cool! A is for Articles of Faith, and she has a picture of the text of the Articles of Faith, G is for Golden plates, it�s a really cool project!

Well I�m going to stop so I can get this in the mail. I�m looking forward to my weekly letter�

Love you boo.


1:04 p.m. - 2002-04-18


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