monkeymom's Diaryland Diary


Conference Sunday

7 April, 2002

Sunday night

Dear Mooksy,

Last night was the time change to Daylight Savings Time, so I ended up only working 7 hours, which was wonderful. I came home and went to bed, and when I got up it was almost time for the last session of General Conference, so we watched it on the internet while I knitted on your Nagano sweater.

Scott went to SLC on the bus yesterday and saw two sessions of conference right there at Temple Square! He went with some girls and they met some other girls there and they all brought food so they could have a picnic. Scott brought cookies. I�m so proud of him for being all brave and bold and finding a friend to go with! He had one standby ticket, and they were just 30 people away from getting into the Conference center for the first session, so they saw that one from the Tabernacle, and then he had a regular ticket for the second session, so he saw that one in the Conference center. He said that Pres. Hinckley came in twirling his cane and tapped a couple of people with it!

So guess what I�m knitting? I�m using the Shapely Tank Top pattern with the sleeve pattern, too, to make a T-shirt sweater for Kim. I�m having fun with it! I�ve actually started two of them, one in dark green acrylic that feels cottony and the other is with some cotton/silk blend Japanese yarn I bought in Arizona. There is really only enough of it for a tank top, so I�m adding the sleeves and some trim in white cotton. I think it�s going to be cute. I�m not doing the short-row shaping at the bottom, because I didn�t like how it looked when I tried it before. I�m just making a straight hem, but I am doing the waist shaping. The cotton one is just stockinette stitch, but the dk green one is a ribbed stitch and it looks cool. It�s a really easy stitch pattern called Broken Rib. You do K1P1 ribbing on Row 1 and then purl all the stitches on Row 2. You repeat those two rows for the pattern.

I talked to Erin (Baby Monkey Girl) online last night and she had just talked to JD on the phone, so she wanted to tell me that Heather is getting married next month! AND that Marshall and Detmer are going to share an apartment this summer! I thought that was cute. JD is going to share an apartment in town with �some friends�. I wonder if that means Stephanie?

Did I tell you that I�m in love with Georgette Heyer? I have been getting all of her books from the library and reading them while I knit. They are so good! I�m getting a lot of knitting done, too.

8 April 2002


Last night I couldn�t go to sleep, after 3 days on the midnight shift, so at 4 in the morning, I got up, washed my face and took a sleeping pill. As a result, I slept until 12 in the afternoon, although I did get interrupted once by a furious call from Sarah, who was mad at our mother.

I got up and had some toast and a diet Pepsi, and then Ruthann and Lisa came over so that Lisa could do a Mary Kay demonstration. So now I am wearing some makeup, and I am looking forward to washing it off.

After Lisa left, Ruthann and I went out for a Whopper from BK and then we picked up Kim and Tennille and gave them a ride home since it was raining pretty steadily, and it was cold.

When I got home I found a note on the computer from Jason, who must have been in the computer lab. It just said Hey Audrey, and he was already off-line, so I missed him. I called and left a message on his cell phone, but I doubt that he�ll call me back. He never does. Have you gotten many letters from him?

Kim is watching cartoons now and she is making some Uncle Ben�s Instant Rice Pudding with Raisins. Last time I went shopping I bought a few mixes, mostly brownie mixes so that she can do some cooking. I�m boiling some chicken breasts to make chicken noodle soup.

I�m still knitting the dk green t-shirt sweater for Kim, and it�s nice and relaxing. I got some movies from Netflix today, and I�m going to watch them while I knit, later this week. I don�t think I�ll have time tomorrow because I have to go to the store in the morning and make a casserole to drop off at someone�s house before work.

I talked to Scott last night, and he said that he went to visiting hours at the girl�s hall, intending to visit one girl, but when he got to her room, she had a bumper sticker or something that made a slur on Republicans, so he went to visit another girl instead. Hahaha!

Last night Kim and I worked on a jigsaw puzzle for a while. It�s one that I have had on the dining room table for weeks, and finally Bertha started working on it when they were here last weekend, and got a lot of the edge pieces together, so once she got it started, we have been working on it a little. After Kim went to bed I read for a while and then I called my Grandma to talk to her, and I worked on it a little more while we talked.

Yes, this is all just as boring as it sounds, but it�s what we�re doing right now. Maybe next week will be more interesting.

I love you, and I look for a letter from you in the mailbox every day!


12:48 p.m. - 2002-04-7


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