monkeymom's Diaryland Diary


Going out in the snow

4 March, 2002


I got your letter today and thought I�d write a little more before I mail this. I asked Dad to buy some 80 cent stamps after work, so I hope he remembers. If you want to send letters to me to forward to other people, I don�t mind � I don�t want you to spend all of your money on postage!

Dad just called and said he has not forgotten to get the stamps. Good.

So Kim stayed home again today and I took her to get a rapid strep culture this morning. We haven�t been out of the house all weekend, so we had to clean a foot of snow off of the car and I didn�t have any mittens with me since I didn�t think I was going to need any in this warm winter so I took them out of my coat pocket the other day and tossed them into the closet. My hair was wet and freezing but I had a hat in my pocket so I put that on while I cleaned off the car and Kim was helping too, and wearing a beautiful pair of mittens that I knitted for her.

Apparently there is a lot of strep throat going around school right now, and Kim�s throat was very icky. We stopped at Wal-Mart after the appointment and got her prescription filled. We also bought her a pair of jeans, a top, a bra and some panties because she is growing and her stuff is getting shabby and small.

When we got home we made guacamole and ate that with chips while Kim read your letter out loud. Then I started typing it up to post at your website, and I tried to call Grandpa but his line was busy, so I sent him an email and told him to call when he gets off the computer.

He called in a couple of minutes and I told him that you were starving for peanut butter, so you can expect an emergency package in the mail soon. I also told him about the Gold Bond powder, mink oil, and Cadbury Mini-eggs. I didn�t ask him to buy that stuff before because I have been planning to do it myself, but I haven�t been out much this week, what with Ruthann�s family visiting and Kim being sick, so I thought if you were ever going to get anything, I�d better put Grandpa in charge.

We got the bugs okay, thanks so much. They were a little flat but otherwise in good shape.

I talked to Scott on the phone after church yesterday and he said he is going to be talking to the bishop this week about getting his mission paperwork started. My brave little man. He also says that his RA is a nice guy who is returned from a mission to CA where he spoke Laotian, and he�s a geology major, who is nice and smart. I told him to show the RA your picture and website. He wasn�t sure how to bring up the subject, so I told him to just say his mother told him to. He needs to go over there and pimp his sister!

So Inger forwarded an email from Aunt Marilyn this morning in which she tells all the reasons why Mother shouldn�t fly home from Arizona, instead she should take a 4 day car trip, which will be so much healthier for her than spending 4 hours in the air and being home the same day. Loons. Sarah was furious about it, which I expected, Inger is irritated, but I have become resigned. I just don�t care anymore. Let them drive if it will make them happy. It will save me time and money and aggravation, and if Mom ends up in the hospital, well, I don�t live there, so I won�t be expected to visit.

I got my new ball of Opal yarn from the sock of the month club and it is so beautiful! I can�t wait to get started on this pair! I am about two rows away from being completely finished with Scott�s new vest, knitted with some of the overdyed yarn from Gunhilde that we bought at Mary�s. It�s beautiful. I love that vest pattern.

Last night I organized my current WIPs � the Raisin (dark brownish purple) raglan sweater for me (another Gunhilde yarn), the Dale Gjensk sweater (maroon and bladk) and the dark blue wool tunic for you, like the one I made for Bertha. That one only has one cuff and the second sleeve to go to finish it. Downstairs I have the Nagano sweater, and I pulled another unfinished project (UFO) out of the yarn closet � a cotton sweater with a v-neck and a big cable up the front that I started for you a year or two ago. I am going to finish that too. I�m thinking of doing one like it in Woolease for Kim � I bought some pale pink WE to make a sweater for her; it�s the color of strawberry ice cream, the good stuff, not the cheap kind.

I ordered 4 patterns and yarn for one sweater last week, and I�m going to order two pattern books for me and one for Diana from Mary Rich Goodwin, who lives in Utah and designs seamless top-down sweaters that she self-publishes. I had one of her books before, but I gave it away, so I�m going to buy another copy of it and a copy for Diana, and then I want a new book she�s written, so I�ll order that for me, too. I�m really feeling the need to clean out and organize the yarn closet, so I�m going to give those crappy old textbooks of Dad�s to the Women�s Book Sale this year. We don�t have any place else for them and he hasn�t looked at them since you put them in that closet.

It�s snowing again. Big fluffy flakes. This is the most snow we�ve had all winter. And we got it in March. Sigh. I think I�ll put my gloves back into my coat pocket.

Well I have to go start cooking some noodles for spaghetti now. I had some sauce in the freezer that I got out to thaw so we�re having that for dinner. I was thinking of making Italian pie after I read your letter today! It got me thinking about Polenta , so I might have to make some tomorrow. I also have to make potato salad for Ruthann�s mother�s funeral, but I�m thinking I might just go buy some.

Love you bosky


12:32 p.m. - 2002-03-4


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