monkeymom's Diaryland Diary



16 February, 2002

Dear Mookamunda,

I am making chicken soup with Matzo balls and thinking about writing a letter to you and one to Karin. I got a valentine from her in the mail today, not a letter, though, just a cool Harry Potter valentine with a note saying she loves our letters. When I write one back to her, I will send one to Elder Sanchez, also.

So I invited David McD to come over last night, and since he had already planned a game of Risk with some other people he was going to bring them, and I invited Jeff from work too. I was kind of dreading it after I planned it, because I thought it might be noisy, messy and not entertaining for me, only annoying. I also thought maybe Jeff wouldn�t like it, but he came over early and watched Galaxy Quest with me and Kim and Dad, and then he played Risk (we were a team since we didn�t know how to play. David ended up with only 2 of the 4 people that were originally planned on, so that was even better, because it was less people.

Joe Hardie and David Reid were both here, and it was actually fun. They picked up food from Happy Wok and brought it with them, and they also brought Spaceballs, which as you know is thought to be the funniest movie in the world � by teenage boys! We played Risk and it was actually kind of fun and I get how to play it now.

While we were playing I got out the newest hat I knitted and tried it on David, and Joe Hardie wanted it, so I gave it to him, but David Reid wanted one too, so I�m making one for him today. I hope to finish it tonight and wash it and give it to him at church tomorrow, but that might not happen.

When the game ended it was 1 in the morning, and Jeff went home because he had to go to work this afternoon to do something, but the other guys stayed and we watched the DVD of Karate Kid that I rented from Netflix. I�ve never seen it, and I rented it to watch with Kim but hello, it sucks, so I�m not going to show it to her. I hated it.

Oh, but while I was making some cookies for the party last night, I put in your CD of the songs from 10 Things I Hate About You, and I love it!! I have been playing it today while I was making the soup, and it is so great! I think I�ll rent the movie from Netflix and watch it, because I am remembering that I wasn�t that crazy about it, but thinking of the parts I remember, it was kind of good. So I�ll watch it and see.

I talked to Sheila online today, which was fun because I haven�t talked to her in a year or so. She says that Erica is taking Cadaver class (ewww) and thinking about taking the MCAT, which is the exam you need to get into medical school. Sheila said one of her breast implants has deflated so she has silicone leaking into her body and has to have surgery to, I suppose, replace it. Everything happens to her!


Inger and Katieboobah are in AZ this week, visiting my mother, and good luck to them, I say. They flew there on Friday and Diana got out of work early to pick them up, and then took them back to her house for a barbeque. One of Uncle Roger�s friends was also arriving in Phoenix that day, and was supposed to be getting to the airport a couple of hours later and then driving to Quartzite to stay a while. He was supposed to pick Inger and Kate up at Diana�s and he finally did, about 9 in the evening. Diana and TJ were going to take their kids and drive to Quartzite today to see how things were going and to see if Inger had a ride back to the airport tonight. Knowing the old people they are sitting around expecting Diana to do it, even though none of them has ever mentioned it to her, or asked if it would be possible. They�re crazy. So Diana is completely expecting to take Inger and Kate back to Phoenix with them tonight and see that they get to the airport.

Dad has a belt test today � black stripe, which is one belt away from black, so right after church he headed over to the Y for the test. Kim and I took a nap and now she is practicing her instruments. I am working on a hat for her, because I finished the one for David Reid and now Kim wants one.

Tuesday, February 19, 2002

Yesterday I got an email from Linda Hurd which resulted in a flurry of emails back and forth and then I got a letter from Bethany last night. I will send it to you through the post office mail, along with a letter that Kim wrote to you on Sunday.

Today I talked to Jason online and it turns out that he is being made to feel a little bit like a criminal by Erin and Kevin for dating, even though he is doing what you wanted him to do. He pointed out that he would have waited if you had asked him to. I said that you wanted him to gain field experience and social skills, and that you are happy and excited about the work you are doing.

Oh! But then he told me that his cousin Brian, the one who is a missionary in the St Louis mission, has met a girl who is in the Edwardsville area and they have plans to get together after his mission. Hahaha! Her name is Elle, and she must be a friend of Alexis, because Alexis knows about it and she is the one who told Jason.

I worked the 11-7 shift last night and I just got up so I have to go brush my teeth and call Ruthann. I miss you boo.

12:13 p.m. - 2002-02-16


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