monkeymom's Diaryland Diary


better late than never

5 February, 2001


Well I never left my house today, but I think I talked to everyone in the world. Okay, everyone in my little world, anyway.

David McD � Has ulcers in his esophogus, and he has to eat a bland diet and take medication to clear it up and hope it�s better so he can report to the MTC when he�s supposed to.

Grandma and Grandpa � Their electricity has been out for a week � yes, 7 days! There was a bad snowstorm in the Midwest last week, and Kim missed one day of school, but apparently 400,000 people in the Ypsilanti/Ann Arbor area lost power and some of them don�t have it back yet. They have their generator, so they can have enough hot water to shower, but not to do laundry or run the dishwasher. They can�t use their stove or their coffee maker, but they eat out all the time anyway, and they are able to watch TV, so they�re doing fine.

Sarah � She is going to be a bridesmaid sometime later this year, I think, I can�t remember when, and she gets to stay in a Scottish castle! Whoo! That sounds pretty cool. She also said that she has to start going to church because her and Chris are planning to move in together and eventually get married, and he wants them to be churchgoers so that they can raise their children in a church. Okay, so she is going to go to a Lutheran church, and see how that is, because that�s what he is. I suggested that Chris should have the discussions so that he would have background on her church, and she never really agreed to it, but I did ask why she didn�t want to go to our church? She said, basically, that there are too many rules and the people are too sappy. So I said that not everyone is sappy, and there are people like me, too! Oh well, whatever. I�m planning to start knitting some cute baby stuff for when she does have a baby.

Diana � She was home for lunch so I just reported to her on my conversation with Sarah and we discussed how there ARE people like us at church but it takes longer to get to know them because they aren�t the ones who run up to shake your hand at church and invite you to dinner when you�re new.

I talked to Scott on the phone yesterday and he was very happy because someone he knows is leaving his job as a chemistry research assistant, and that guy is going to recommend Scott for the job. That will be cool if he gets it, but I think he told me before that they usually don�t give those jobs to freshmen because they�ll be leaving to go on missions.

Kimberly called me at work tonight to complain about her friend Caitlyn. They have been having some little contests, one of them is a drawing contest, and Caitlyn keeps winning. So Kim was a little sad because she wants to find something she can beat Caitlyn at. I told her she is a lot cuter than Caitlyn. I should have mentioned that Caitlyn can�t play the harp either. Then she started babbling about Chester sitting on her lap and purring and how Chester was being adorable, so I told her to call me later and tell me if I got any email.

I finished the second pair of socks for Scott today and I have just one more sock left to finish and then I�ll mail him the three pairs of socks and the vest I made for him. I hope I get the magazine I ordered the other day so I can start working on the sweater for ME. I still have the two Dale sweaters to work on and the blue sweater that I made for Bertha but it came out too big so I�m finishing the sleeves to save it for you. I have plans to start something simple for Kim with some pretty pale pink WE, so I might start on that if I don�t get the magazine soon.

Later boo.

6 February, 2002

Well, this has not been one of the great days of my life, so far. We didn�t have any Diet Pepsi in the house when I woke up, so I drank a lousy Fruitopia for breakfast and then I called Ruthann to see when we were going out so I could buy some POP! She was getting ready to leave, so she picked me up and we went to the library and to mail a package to Nancy at Ricks, and Scott at BYU (we stopped at the Jelly Belly store first to get jelly bellies for them and then we went to the bookstore to look for the new Knitting mags, but you know they don�t have any there) and I never did get a pepsi! By the time we left the library, I was gagging for one, and Ruthann was fussing about the scrape she put on her new car, and then she wanted to drive through the car wash�oh man, I felt so dragged out and headachy, I just wanted to go home!

So then I got home and Dad had the van because his car was way low on gas, so I didn�t want to drive to the store in his car, and I just didn�t have the strength to go out again anyway! I spent some time sitting in front of the computer, first talking to my mother, that lunatic, and then being comforted by Diana, and then Dad came home with milk, bread and DIET PEPSI! Oh, is that not happiness?

So I am at work now, and it�s not too bad. Fairly quiet, actually, except that someone is trying to send a fax, and they�ve programmed in the wrong number so the CODE BLUE PHONE keeps ringing and I have to jump up and answer it!

I don�t have any interesting news to tell you. Grandpa sent an email this morning to say that they have electricity again, so Bertha is running the dishwasher and doing laundry. Barb called me this afternoon to say that Justine�s back has gotten worse, so she won�t be able to work at all for a few weeks! Well, you know what that means, we all have to work like dogs to cover her shifts. I am so tired of working with these people who are sick all the time!! I guess I should be grateful to have some work at all.

Haha, I just heard Kevin, one of the techs, out in the other room telling someone that after work he likes to go home and relax by watching the Simpsons. It makes the whole day better. I totally agree.

I hope you are getting these letters, let me know which works best, if it�s pouch mail, or email that gets delivered to the mission home? I just don�t know, but I think I�ve sent mail to each of them. I haven�t even done any old lady letters or sent anything to Beth or Todd, the other missionaries, in a couple of weeks. I never get letters back from them, or the old ladies, so I�m kind of tired of writing to them. I do send mail to Karin and Scott, and when David leaves for the MTC, I�ll send mail to him, too. Karin writes back and I know David will too. I am eagerly waiting to hear from you and I can't wait until we start getting your letters!

Love you boosk,


12:09 p.m. - 2002-02-5


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