monkeymom's Diaryland Diary


Medievel Times

March 31, 2002

Easter Sunday

Dear Hermana Mooksy,

We just got back from little outing to Medieval Times with Grandma and Grandpa for Kim�s birthday. It was kind of fun, except for the large crowd! I didn�t mind eating with my fingers, except for the soup. I drank some of that and soaked my very crusty garlic bread in the rest so that it was a little easier to eat. That made it really good.

The knights are all very attractive longhaired men riding horses, and they had squires who were somewhat less attractive. It was the squire�s job to scoop up the horse poop of their knight with a pitchfork and drop it into a bucket to keep the sand clean. I wonder if you can work your way up from pooper-scooper to squire to knight. I think it would be an interesting job, and a great conversation piece; �So what do you do for a living?� �I joust at Medieval Times.� Of course, now Kim wants to be a knight at MT.

There were lots of cool things to buy there, not too overpriced, either, which surprised me! I really wanted to buy a jester hat for Scott, and I might have to see if I can buy one on the Internet because they were so cool! Yup, I just checked to see if they sell them on the Internet and they do! Well, I know what some people are getting for Christmas this year.

So it�s been a busy weekend with Grandma and Grandpa. They got here on Friday and brought a two-foot chocolate Easter Bunny for Kim, and the usual box of treats for the animals and us. They stayed a couple of hours and then went to the motel to sleep.

I had to work at 11, so I took a nap and then got up and watched TV with Kim until it was time for her to go to bed and me to go to work. When I got up on Saturday around noon, everyone wanted to go out for lunch, so we went to Alvarez for Mexican food. Then everyone else went to see a movie, but I had an interpreting job, which was fine with me, since I didn�t want to see that movie anyway. Dad and Kim went swimming at the motel in the evening, but I was tired from working Friday night, so I stayed home, got into bed with a book and my knitting, and called a friend to talk on the phone. It was fun.

Today we went to church. Karin�s younger sister Kelly was there because her boyfriend�s baptism was in our building after church, so she brought her knitting and sat by me. She is really having problems with her knitting � I wish I had more time to sit with her and work on it. I told her I would go to visit her and her mom on Tuesday at their house, so I�m going to take a movie to watch with them and see how her knitting is coming along.

I saw Heather R. too. I went to the Nursery to �help� Dad during RS, so while I was there, I went out to fill his water pitcher, and Heather was sitting on the couch with her mom and Olga J. She is thinking that she would like to move away from Freeport, and I suggested that she could go live with Jeanette in Michigan. Jeanette is looking for a roommate, but Heather is considering moving to Milwaukee to live with Jenny T. who is planning to go to college there. Which would probably be better for Heather, since they would go to the singles ward together and everything.

So now I am talking to Scott on MSN and he says that he went to Easter Dinner in the girl�s hall tonight. He also said that he didn�t get the little package I sent! Hmph! I mailed it Monday, and I can�t believe he didn�t get it yet, it�s not like he�s in Argentina! It has the new vest I knitted for him, the latest Dragon mag and some Jelly Bellies, in Kiwi and Easter Mix. I hope he gets it on Monday!


April 1, 2002

My eyes are itching!! I just got up and had breakfast and I�m sitting here at the computer reading my email like I always do in the morning and my eyes are itching A LOT! Ow, sweetie, ow, dahling!

So now Kim is starting to nag me about going out to look for a good price on a Gamecube. She got birthday money and it�s enough to pay half the price of a Gamecube, and since she�s been practicing her instruments pretty faithfully to earn a Gamecube I told her I would help her buy it now. I suggested that we look around for the best price and now she is dying to get started � she wants to start driving from store to store to price them and that isn�t the way I want to do it at all! My idea of comparison-shopping is to stay home and ask all of my friends to look for a good price, because some of them (notably Barb from work) are excellent shoppers. I thought I�d check the weekly sale papers, too. I can see that this might be a excellent source of much nagging from Kim!

So did you get your package from Grandpa yet? He says the P.O. said it would take a week, but I hear from the missionary moms list that it takes much longer than that! We want to know about it the minute you get it!! Grandpa was going to put some money in your bank account while he was here, but he forgot his checkbook, so he said he�d send a check for you when he gets home.

In the last week there have been some letters on the Miss. Moms list that say their sons are writing home saying that their mission presidents are asking families not to send packages. We haven�t gotten any official word on it, though.

Oh, get this, the Johnson�s are going to Arizona this week to bring Preston home from his mission. So that will be nice for them. Hooooooooo�. (sad monkey whine).

Scott will be out of school at the end of this month, and at the time that I am writing this, our plan is for Dad to drive out to Utah and bring him back. It�s a long drive out there for Dad, but Scott will be with him to share the driving on the way home. Grandpa suggested that Scott should ship his stuff home and fly back here, but Scott wants Dad to come out there so he can show him around the college and Dad says he can do that. I wish we could all go, but Kim will be in school that week.

Well I just don�t have much to say. I�ve been reading, knitting, working, you know, the regular stuff, but there is nothing newsworthy to tell you.

12:44 p.m. - 2002-03-31


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