monkeymom's Diaryland Diary


Everybody was Kung Fu fightin'

29 April, 2002

Hi Mooks,

I went out with Barb to buy a retirement present for Lucille, and when I got back, Dad and Scott are in the living room watching a Kung Fu movie. Ugh. It�s loud, too, and I have PMS and the house is a mess from Scott�s stuff that is still in the living room (not all of it) and it�s just that time when I feel like the house is a big mess and it�s out of my control. I already told them when they are done watching the movie they have to clean that living room because I can�t stand it.

I�m working on finishing another knitting project because they feel out of control right now, too! I have too many ideas and not enough time or motivation to do them all. Today I�m going to finish the pink sweater I made for Kim two months ago. I�m down to the cuff on one sleeve and I�m going to do the other sleeve next and it will be finished. When it�s done I�m going to put away all the knitting stuff except what I�m working on right now. Which will be just socks and the Nagano sweater, I think. And I�ll put the sweater I barely started for myself into my work bag and keep it there. It�s a plain cotton sweater made with a yarn I like in a soothing color, and I don�t even need a pattern for it, so it�s the perfect work knitting.

Some of the Elders in other parts of Argentina are finding it difficult to work with all the political unrest. What do you think? Are you able to get groceries? Can you access your ATM account? I am going to put some money in it for you, but I would like to know that you can get it. I haven�t put in the check from Grandpa yet because I am still waiting to find out if you can get money that way.

David McD wrote me a letter today and said he would like it if Scott and I called him on Mother�s Day. Isn�t that cute? I bought a pre-paid calling card for Argentina � Buenos Aires that is for 400 minutes for 20 dollars! One of the other moms on the list told everyone how to get it! It sounds too good to be true, but I hope it works, because that is a bargain!! Be sure to send your phone number right away, because it takes up to two weeks to get a letter from you, and we need to get your number in time! Or you can call us and give us the number. I can�t wait to talk to you!!

We got a graduation announcement from Talia in the mail Saturday. I wonder what she is planning to do now? She is graduating with a BA in Literary Studies. Hmm.

I really miss you mooks.

Love �


1:27 p.m. - 2002-04-29


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