monkeymom's Diaryland Diary



28 April, 2002

Dear Mooky,

I am sitting in the den with Scott and Kim, who are watching Atlantis. Scott has already seen the movie, but it was without sound, since his roommate downloaded it from the internet. We watched God�s Army already.

Scott and Dad got here last night around midnight, and it was pretty thrilling! They didn�t unpack the car, they just brought in a few things to use for the night, and we talked a little, but everyone was tired so we went to bed. We slept through church today, and didn�t get up until 10:30. Even Kim slept in till 8. I guess when no one woke up for church, she thought it was a good opportunity to stay home, so she didn�t wake us.

So Dad had a great trip to Utah and enjoyed himself while he was there, driving around the area, looking at the Provo temple, hiked up to the Y on the mountain with Scott, and they went to Temple Square together before they came home. Dad shopped at the BYU bookstore while Scott was taking an exam, so he brought home a mug for my collection, a sweatshirt and a t-shirt for Kim, and some BYU socks (!) and a book for himself. He also got to look at the Beehive House, and he was excited about that because he saw it on America�s Castles, the show he watches on Saturday mornings.

Scott and his friends had a campfire the last night after exams, and then in the morning Dad picked him up and they finished loading his car and checked out. They left Friday night around midnight and slept in Laramie, WY, then got home last night.

Kim and I cleaned up the house and put things away yesterday, and we changed the sheets on Scott�s bed. I figure that those same sheets have been on his bed for more than a year. They were nasty old thin, worn, sheets, so I threw them out and we put clean sheets on his bed. We tidied up his room, too.

I talked to Karin today on AOL and she said that her mom and Kelly picked her up and she and Kelly drove straight through, so they got home early this morning. Those silly girls.

Kim is feeling a little deprived because she hasn�t been to Utah, so we are assuring her that if we can, we will drive Scott to the MTC and take her with us.

Scott got a book about preparing yourself spiritually for your mission, and it recommends that you live like a missionary for a month so you can get used to it. Get up early, study, etc. Isn�t that cute? So we have to plan our Cedar Point trip around his practice month.

He�s got an appt with the dentist for his dental exam tomorrow and then he just has to have an interview with the Stake Pres. and he�ll be ready to submit his papers!

So the cats are happy that Scott is here to love them and groom them, and Babs was so happy to see Rich, she was practically grinning. She would hardly let him out of her sight. That silly dog.

Later -

Kim and I just got back from a walk with the dog. We walked down almost to the hospital, not quite, and we turned around at Bidlow Park to walk home. I was just cold and tired of walking. I talked to Diana on the phone on the way down there.

Monday 29 April 2002

Scott is still sleeping. He stayed up late playing a video game on the PS2 called Oki, or something like that, and I watched him play until 1:30, but then I was sleepy so I went to bed. Dad is home today, too, because he wasn�t sure what day they would get back from Utah, so he took off work until Tuesday.

I was just sitting in a chair, weaving in the ends on a couple of things I have finished this week. One was the short-sleeved t-shirt for Kim. It turned out so cute, and fit perfectly, but she somehow broke a stitch at the bottom of it, where it was bound off, when she was trying it on, so I had to pull out a couple of rows and reknit them. The other thing I finished was a vest for Scott that started out to be a Shapely T-shirt (remember that pattern?) for Kim. When I got the body of it finished, the scoop in front was way too low for her, so I ripped out the tank shaping at the top and made it into a vest for Scott. It looks good, and maybe he won�t notice the slight shaping at the waist. Haha.

Yesterday I knitted a few rows on the Nagano sweater, and then I got out the other Dale sweater to work on, and I hated how it looked, so I ripped it back and I�m changing the design a little on the body. I ripped out about 10 inches � waaah! I�m kind of sick of all my knitting right now, so I�m just going to work on finishing some of the things I have started and then I think I�ll knit just socks and maybe mittens for a while. They�re small and they get finished quickly.

I�ll be glad when Ruthann gets back from her trip to pick up Nancy. They went to Oregon to visit Rebekah and they should be home by the end of the week. She left the same day Rich left, so I�ve been really lonely for the last week!

1:25 p.m. - 2002-04-28


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