monkeymom's Diaryland Diary


Whine whine whine

Here's why I am a bad person today - Billy No-mates IM'd me and was whining like he always does, about the same old crap and I am just so sick of listening to it, because nothing I say, nothing I can do is going to change his life until he gets off of his tubby ass and changes himself!

So I tried to be cheerful and whatnot because I didn't want to get sucked into an endless spiral of how his life sucks and this town sucks and he hates his parents and his job and everything else that is conspiring to make his life terrible, because it's all everyone elses fault, the schools here, his parents, the people he works with, they are all making his life terrible and they have all made him into the boring little insecure person he is, and then he started whining about buying a gun, when I doubt that he can even afford a gun, having spent all of his money on porn, and I said, "Oh for craps sake, why don't you go to a chat room and have a meaningless cybersex encounter? It will give you something to do and some semi-human contact!" So then he went offline. The little bastard.

I feel bad about it that I blew him off, but he is sucking the life out of me, and Leslie, his only other friend, feels the same way. We suggest things for him to do, I've invited him over here to eat dinner and play games, but he just wants to go back to his apartment and mope around by himself, and I can't do anything to make his life better and I'm tired of being frustrated and BORED listening to him!!

I have spent plenty of hours whining about my life to other people, who have been kind enough to listen, and I have spent time listening to other people whine about theirs, and I don't mind, I don't mind listening to how miserable my friends are, and I am a good listener and a good cheerleader if your life sucks and you want to cry about it, but most people eventually get over it! They are embarrassed not to! He is not even willing to try to do anything to make himself happier, or if not happier, to at least get out of the house! I'm sick of listening to it!

Whew! I think I'm feeling better now.

9:16 p.m. - 2003-02-16


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