monkeymom's Diaryland Diary


She's back!

I was writing an entry in my head last night at work while I read knitting blogs, but I never got as far as writing it in an entry. Hmm, now I can't remember what I was going to write it about.

I'm knitting:

1. The second sock of a pair of solid gray Opal socks; I'm down to the toe shaping, having knitted 3 inches of the foot in the car on the way to Chicago tonight.

2. The first sock of a pair of Regia Cotton variegated socks in bright pastels. I'm calling them Confetti socks because that's what they look like to me.

I'm watching:

This week I watched 3 movies from Netflix and two of them were terrible. I mean they tore a hole in the fabric of...that thing that Mr. Cranky used to say.

The first one was called Under One Roof, an indie film about a gay asian man living with his mom and grandma who falls in love with the guy renting their downstairs apartment. The acting was so terribly wooden that even the sight of many naked men did not entice me to keep watching this movie. Even the nudity was boring. I watched about 20 minutes of it and could not bear one more second.

So then I watched Diner, because I thought I had never seen it. It's a good movie, but I remembered later that I did watch it before. It was fun to see how young all of the stars look in the movie. Paul Reiser looks the same 20 years ago, so apparently he was born looking 40. It must have made him stand out in kindergarten, though.

I don't know what posessed me to get 40 Days and 40 Nights, because I remember thinking it looked like crap when it first came out. Guess what? I was right, it was absolutely terrible. I watched probably 40 minutes of it, maybe a little more, but finally I couldn't watch anymore. I turned it off and sat on the couch, knitting and watching the preview channel. It was better than the movie, and I mean both the story and the acting!

I'm reading:

Tonight I went to Chicago with Linda and Dave Ellefson and we listened to an audiobook that I brought to entertain us on the drive (2 hours each way). It was Strong Poison, by Dorothy L. Sayers. I love her writing, and this is one of my favorites because of Miss Climpson. Her handwritten reports on her detective work are hilarious.

I'm at work now and I'm going to read some of the Book of Mormon commentary on Brant Gardner's LDS Topics website. I'm really enjoying it and I read a little every night that I work. Later I'll go to the Project Gutenberg website and read a book online. I'm reading all of the P.G. Wodehouse books that they have on the site.

1:40 a.m. - 2003-04-18


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