monkeymom's Diaryland Diary


Inger's here!

I was a little early for my hair appointment today, so I went next door to Ben Franklin and bought a ball of light pink heather Woolease and started knitting a sock on a set of size 3 dpns (they might be size 2, I didn't check) that were in my purse. I worked on the sock all afternoon, just because WE is pleasant to knit with and I liked the color, but I forgot to bring it to work with me. I have a Regia cotton sock in my purse that I can probably finish up tonight.

So I got my hair done, and my eyebrows waxed and now I'm glamorous again.

I made a roast in the crockpot today - I put it in the crockpot when I got home from work this morning, and when I woke up this afternoon my house smelled so good! I made a pot of rice and baked a frozen cherry pie, because Inger was supposed to get to our house around dinnertime.

She got here later than she expected to, so they had already eaten on the road, but I had a wonderful dinner and no one has eaten any of the pie yet.

Kim and Kate were upstairs giggling in the bathroom when I left. Some of Kim's friends are coming over to have a little Gameboy Gathering tomorrow, and I think we'll let the girls dye eggs after the friends go home.

Hmm, that means Someone will have to boil the eggs and buy some food coloring.

12:11 a.m. - 2003-04-19


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