monkeymom's Diaryland Diary


And I did the dishes, too!

Day Two of driving Kim to school in the morning. The traffic in front of the school is stop and go in the morning as parents drop off kids, so when it stops in front of the door she likes to use, I tell her to jump out. Today she said that Dad usually pulls over to the curb, and I said I don't care what he does, get out. She just laughed and jumped out.

I went home and fell into bed, didn't even need my relaxation CD this morning to go to sleep. I woke up at 1:30 and went downstairs to turn on the computer and I talked to Rich for a few minutes as he was online with MSN messenger.

Later when I went back to check my mail, the internet connection was lost and I did the one or two things that I know how to do to start it up again, but they didn't work! AAUGH! I called our service provider and went through steps with the help desk person, a guy named Paul whose voice was vaguely familiar. As we worked together to get my connection back, we found that we knew each other from when he worked at the hospital as the night housekeeping supervisor. Apparently, computers have been his hobby. I only wish they had been his career, because he really wasn't helpful. He said he would have someone call me later who was familiar with DSL, but no one ever did! The bastards.

I left a whiny message on Rich's cell phone, and he called me back later and told me what to do, so YAY!! I got my internet connection back! He's my systems administrator.

I went back to bed for a couple of hours, and then Kim woke me up to drive her to YW. Ruthann works in the library on Wednesday nights, and she usually brings Kim home after YW.

I called Diana but my precious baby Neil (or maybe it was MPB Nick) said that she was visiting teaching, so that motivated me to make a phone call to the last person on my VT list that I haven't contacted this month. (I don't usually care about VT, but I have a new companion who is All About It.)

The woman I called, Sheri, has been on the diet that I started and then got tired of, for about 4 months and has lost 35 lbs, so we talked about that and she got me all excited about it again. It's the one that The Mommies advertise, and it has the relaxation CDs (it's hypnosis, people). So I packed the right stuff to eat at work tonight, and I'm going to make more of an effort to stay on it this time.

While I was talking to Sheri, I had a beep indicating that there was another call, but since I was *doing* my VT, I ignored it, thinking it must be a telemarketer anyway. Later when Kim got home, she said that Ruthann wasn't in the library tonight and she tried to call but there was no answer, so she got a ride home with someone else and told them I must be sleeping. So I look like a bad mother.

I'm working on a dark green heather Woolease sock on size 3 needles, which give me about 6 sts to the inch. I only have 4 size 3 needles with me, and I prefer to use 5, so I am faking it with a size 2 needle that I found in the bottom of my sock bag. I think I'll go to Verna's and buy another pair of size 3 bamboo needles tomorrow. I like the 6 inch length for these socks.

The pattern is a simple one that I saw on someone's knitting blog, and I adapted it for me. You do K1P1 ribbing for 6 or 7 rows and then K4P1 on the body of the sock. I just think it looks nice. The pattern I saw used a different heel pattern than the one I like to use, so I use my regular "Flat Iron" heel shaping, because I can do it out of my head.

I forgot to mention yesterday that I watched Monsoon Wedding and I really liked it. It was a nice happy movie, much like My Big Fat Greek Wedding. I'm sure I'm not the first to call it My Big Fat Hindu Wedding.

11:32 p.m. - 2003-04-23


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