monkeymom's Diaryland Diary


You took the word and made it heard...

Ruthann told me that she hid out in the library on Sunday instead of going to RS, because she went in late so she could miss the �Missionary Moments� reports, but when she got there, they were still going on, and she couldn�t bear it, so she left again! Hahaha, that cracks me up!! Those Missionary Moments are just an opportunity for one sister to do a commercial for the local rag she writes for, and for all of them to just pat themselves on the back for anytime they got to mention that they were Mormons in front of someone and to say how they just * felt * the person feeling the spirit. Ugh. Oh, am I too cynical? I could mention the missionary moment I had at Verna�s Yarn Shop this week when I told someone I was a Mormon and later I remembered that I had just used the �F� word at least 3 times just prior to that, when I was telling a story about work. Now *there�s* a moment!

Today was my day off and I just slept most of the day, so that was good, except that now I'm up at 3 a.m., so that's not so good. I do have a nice trashy book to read and some knitting to do, so I'm going to go do those very things.

The knitting is the fun little baby sweater that I bought a pattern for when I was at the Fiber Festival on Saturday. The book is something by Jane Heller, but I can't think of the title right now.

3:31 a.m. - 2003-04-29


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