monkeymom's Diaryland Diary


Why no one wants to watch a movie with me

When I left work at 7 a.m., it was raining steadily and my hair was very wet by the time I got to the car. I went home and slept well, though. A cold rainy day is perfect for sleeping.

We had library books, so I didn't go anywhere with Ruthann today. Next week we need to take a trip to Rockford to buy sushi supplies, and go to the place where we get the good Cobb Salad. Leslie from work wants to make sushi, so I gave her instructions and invited her to come over and make some with me. Therefore, I need supplies.

Sock report:

1. Forest Green Heather Woolease pair, almost done. I'm just finishing the toe of the second sock tonight.

2. Autumn color varigated Silja, past the heel gussets on the first sock.

3.I brought some dark green Silja to work tonight to start a sock.

4. Purse sock: Regia cotton sock in Confetti color.

I mentioned the pattern for a baby sweater that I bought at the fiber fair on Saturday, but I don't think I talked about the start I made on the knitting of said sweater. It's made from mitered squares that you knit together as you go instead of sewing them together when you're done. It was fun to work on, but I didn't have enough of the main color so I stopped after 2 1/2 blocks. It's something I would like to make again because it's fun knitting.

Rich rented Secrets of the Ya Ya Sisterhood because he likes Sandra Bullock and he thought (mistakenly) that I would enjoy watching it. I did watch it with him, so as not to discourage him from renting movies that I might like, but it's really not the kind of movie I like. Steel Magnolias, Beaches, Fried Green Tomatoes, nope, nope, nope. I do not like those kind of Lifetime movies for women. Ugh. I haven't seen any of the above mentioned movies because I don't watch that stuff. I like a movie where everyone wears nice clothes and lives in a good looking apartment and has interesting conversations. There aren't nearly enough movies like that, though.

Did I mention that I liked The Good Girl? The only movie with a member of the Friends cast that I've seen and liked. Usually if a member of the Friends cast is in a movie, it's the kiss of death. Kim watched most of it with me, although I should mention that most of it was not appropriate for a young girl, and I hope Rich never hears about it.

Another movie that I loved was The Wonder Boys. Something went wrong right at the start and the more they tried to fix it, the worse it got. I loved that movie. The Magicians was another one that I watched that same weekend (it was a crapfest weekend for Rachel and me) and it was good too. Good luck finding THAT one at Blockbuster!

11:32 p.m. - 2003-04-30


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