monkeymom's Diaryland Diary


Doctor visit

Took Kim to the doctor's office for her 9th grade school physical. I'm getting it done early!

First we had to stop at the lab for them to draw her blood. She was a little nervous about it, but I let her go in by herself and I sat in the waiting room with some knitting and a Diet Pepsi.

One of the receptionists stopped to admire my knitting and to tell me about hers. Then she told me about her previous job, where she was a *switchboard operator* and she worked third shift and knitted at work, haha!

Then we went to the doctor's office where Kim got a quick inspection and then a TB test and a tetanus shot. By the time we left, she had three bandages covering spots where she had been poked. I told her to drink a glass of water and see if it leaked out the holes like a cartoon character, but she didn't think I was funny.

I haven't cooked in days, so I made a roast in the crockpot and cooked some rice to go with it. It was really good. I need to make something tomorrow. I love having a hot dinner, I just wish someone else would make it for me.

12:00 a.m. - 2003-05-07


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