monkeymom's Diaryland Diary


Take the Last Train to Clarksville

Slept all day again because we are having cold rainy weather. It's good, though. I feel very rested. I didn't do any exersize at all today, though. Yesterday the left calf had such a sore muscle I was glad to rest it all day. It's much, much better, thanks for asking.

Ruthann came by just as I was waking up at 3, to see if I wanted to go to one of the Marts with her as she needed some cleaning liquid for her Big Green Machine (?). I'm so impressed by her massive cleaning and reordering of her house. I admire but do not imitate her.

So I got dressed and went with her, just so I could get a Diet Pepsi, and as we were leaving she said something about stopping at Taco Bell, which Kim overheard, and she asked us to bring her a Gordita. Okay then. So I got one for me, too, and bought a Diet Pepsi to go with it, and enjoyed the three inches of soda they put in with the huge cupful of ice, the bastards! The Gordita was good, and I was thoughtful and brought one home for Rich, too. Who says I don't feed my family any dinner?

Today I'm knitting on the dog sweater that Someone's Grandmother ordered, I mean requested, me to knit. It's a light dusty pink shade of WE and I'm knitting in some little hearts across the shoulders to make it special. Because that's the kind of person I am.


-Regia Cotton Confetti socks

-Fortissima Wheat lace socks

-Cast on the second Kroy Dk Blue lace sock, knit about 5 rounds before I realized that I was doing the pattern wrong - I'll rip it out tomorrow.

Did I mention that yesterday I did a little bit of tidying up in the yarn room again? I was going to tear out a sweater that I never want to work on again, but when I looked at it and saw how much of the body is done, I couldn't bring myself to frog it (rip-it, rip-it, it's the sound a frog makes, get it?). So I put it back in the bag with the yarn and pattern and I think I'll save it - someday I might feel like working on it again.

I got my Mother's Day present at Walmart tonight. It's the new Best of the Monkees CD. Well, if I didn't buy it myself I wouldn't get a damn thing.

I would just like to say that I don't know why the entry I did on Monday is such a mess! It's just one huge paragraph and I couldn't make it format any better. That's the day I found that the previous day's entry was missing, too, so I don't know, I think Diaryland was messed up that day. I just went back and tried to make the entry have some paragraghs and whatnot so it's easier to read, and finally I just coded the html myself. Go look at it and admire my work. It's in Older Entries, under the title, Buggah!

12:12 a.m. - 2003-05-08


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