monkeymom's Diaryland Diary


Living in the past

I couldn't sleep when I got home from work this morning! It was awful, I kept going back to bed, and then laying there, thinking about awful, embarrassing moments from the past, and I couldn't go to sleep!

I got up and sat in front of the computer for a while, exchanging email with Inger, who thankfully was at her desk and not too busy to "talk" to me, and I would have called Ruthann to go out to breakfast but she wasn't home today!

Finally I called Sheila, who I haven't talked to in a long time, and she was home and we talked for a good hour, and it was really helpful. She reminded me that we all have stupid embarrassing moments in our past, but if I want to feel really good about myself, she said I should watch some reality shows. Apparently those people are not only idiots, they are being idiots on national television!

At 11, I took some Tylenol PM and read for a while until I got sleepy. Whew! Sometimes I just hate to be alone with myself!

I slept until 6, so by the time I got dressed and wanted to go for a walk, it was too late. Kim needed to take a shower, and that takes an hour, so I just used the Healthrider for a little while, and then vacuumed. That's exersize, isn't it?

Kim was online tonight at, looking for a sleep CD for me, and she found one that sounds relaxing. I've been listening to the relaxing Weightloss CDs for oh, maybe 6 weeks, and I'm getting tired of them, so I think I'll order the one Kim found. It's just something to relax to in the morning so I can fall asleep.

I cast on for a sock with some of the Sock-of-the-Month-Club Opal yarn while I was waiting for the drugs to kick in this morning, and I love it! The main color is great, kind of a rust, with some short lengths of yellow and turquoise. So there's a new one for the Works In Progress list.

Last night I worked on the sweater for Annie, the bulldog. It's a light dusty pink, and I graphed a small design of hearts that I knitted in across the shoulder. (Does a dog have shoulders?) I worked on it last night while I read a book at work, but the tendinitis that was in my right arm last year has moved over to my left arm this year, so I haven't been doing quite as much knitting. I'm trying to remember to take rest breaks instead of knitting for long periods without stopping.

12:13 a.m. - 2003-05-09


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