monkeymom's Diaryland Diary


Waiting for the rain.

Last night when I was leaving the house to go to work, a man was walking by on the sidewalk with his dog and when I said, "Hi," just to be pleasant, he started talking about the heavy thunderstorms that were coming today.

Later at work, two other people (and that's pretty much everyone I have contact with during the night) mentioned the expected storms, so when I left work this morning, and it was grey and cold, I was expecting to wake up to thunder and lightening and everything frightening!

Hmm, not so much. I've got the weather channel on and I'm listening to it, and there are storms all over the place in Iowa, which is West of us, but nothing here so far.

Rich is crawling around on the roof outside our bedroom, rigging up something brilliant requiring a gallon milk jug. We have had a problem with a leak in the ceiling of the bathroom on the first floor since we moved in, and we've had two guys here to look at it, a roofer and a plasterer, and neither of them could find any reason for the leak. Rich's dad looked at it too, and he generally knows what causes things and how to fix them, but he couldn't find it either.

Somehow Rich, who can barely change a lightbulb - oh, that was mean; he changed a lightbulb just the other day - somehow he spotted that the gutter on that side of the house was twisted or something and when he went up to look at it, he found that it actually doesn't go all around that edge of the roof, it ends right there at a corner and the end of the gutter channels water into a hole that runs under the roof - right into the ceiling of that bathroom!

The hell? How did that get there? And why did none of the professionals see it before? We've been living with that leak for 9 years! It's been slowly ruining the ceiling in there and we haven't been able to stop it! It's been slow because the water only comes in if the rain comes from that direction and is a really hard rain, otherwise I'm sure the ceiling would have fallen down on us long ago.

So Rich is up there doing a quick fix, and impressing the heck out of me with his manly fixing talents.

Kim and I went for a walk to the pop machine in front of the fire station to get a Diet Pepsi for me. I only allow myself one DP a day now, and this combined exersize and caffeine! What could be better than that?

In knitting news, I am almost out of the Blush WE that I'm using for the bulldog sweater, so I've got to go out and find another ball of it. I think I bought it at Ben Franklin, but I can't remember.

5:48 p.m. - 2003-05-10


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