monkeymom's Diaryland Diary


Stupid is as stupid does.

Back at work, and strangely glad to be here. I was in the worst crabby mood in the world tonight, and I came to work early because I got overheated at Karin's house, where Rich was installing her new modem (and I love him for doing it) and after we got home I could NOT get cooled off again. I came to work, stopping to buy Frosties at Wendys for Barb and I, and I sat down here complaining in the most bitter, obnoxious way, about Karin's stupid younger sister who is pregnant.

When I got done with the ranting about how stupid the kids were not to use birth control, why her mother, who knew they were having sex didn't insist that she start taking the pill, etc, Barb said, and she was serious, that it couldn't be helped, if a baby wants to be born, well, you can't do anything about that. I was so stunned by that bit of idiocy that I couldn't even reply - and after all, what can you say to that?

This is the same person who complained to me that her son just couldn't seem to find a girlfriend who didn't get pregnant. I said, "Because he doesn't know how to use a condom?" and she looked surprised and almost disgusted that I would think that it was HIS responsibility. I just get tired of being around stupid people.

I've been knitting the first zebra striped sock all day and it is so cool! I'm doing the toe shaping now. This is some yarn that I bought at the new yarn store yesterday. I picked it up because I thought it would make spots like a dalmation, but the clerk showed me a sample sock, and when I saw how much like zebra stripes it looked, I had to have it!

When I'm done with that I'm going to start a baby sweater because I need to make a couple of those (yes, including one for Karin's dim-witted sister.) Karin wants to make a baby sweater, too, so we'll have a knit-a-long.


Fortissima Wheat lace sock #2


1. Fortissima Zebra sock #1

2. Opal Rust varigated sock #1

3. Opal Cool Ocean sock #1

4. Regia cotton Confetti sock #1

11:56 p.m. - 2003-05-13


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