monkeymom's Diaryland Diary


Monday night at work.

Kim stayed home with her sore throat today, but I think she can go to school tomorrow.

I woke up at 11, tried to go back to sleep and couldn't, and that is why I ended up spending the whole day getting in and out of bed and trying to sleep. Ugh, that really ruins my day.

At 1, I called Ruthann and she came over to bring some things she bought for me today - more orange roughy, and a new bottle of Febreeze, now with allergy inhibitor? or something like that.

I went out for a ride with her and we got a pop and stopped at Ben Franklin to get another ball of the Blush WE that I'm using for the bulldog sweater but they were out of it! Those bastards.

Later I called Diana (from my bed, where I was knitting and trying to feel sleepy) and asked her if there was any of the Blush WE at her Walmart and she said there was and she has two balls of it and will send me one! Yay! She told me a little story about a conversation with her friend Christine, and she is going to be posting about it in her journal, so look for it. The upshot is that yes, we are the yardstick by which all human behavior is measured. Like I didn't know that!

I bravely called my boss today to ask him what the hell he is going to do about the massive gaps in our schedule because I want a week off in June when Rachel gets home but it looks like there is no one to work. He told me the plan, and it's got good points and bad points. Good because I will get to work less than the equivilant of 11 days out of 14, but bad because, well, everything is going to change.

I worked on the Dk. Green baby sweater at work last night but I didn't have the dpns to do the sleeves, so I had to stop. I went ahead and made the front buttonhole bands and wove in the ends so it is all finished except for the sleeves, and then tonight I didn't feel like looking for the dpns to bring to work so I threw some sock knitting into my work bag and brought that to do, instead.

I started the socks for Ruthann today. The ones that use the new Fiber Trends pattern and the yarn we bought in Rockford. The pattern is called Raindrop Lace and the yarn is Dale Baby Uhl. It's soft!

11:49 p.m. - 2003-05-19


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