monkeymom's Diaryland Diary


Nothing new here

It's a good day when I get mail from my children, and today I got an email from Rachel. I also got a real letter in an envelope with two letters from her, one that she wrote back in October! The other letter is more recent, haha. I'll get those typed up and onto the website tomorrow.

Kim wants to make a website to post her story so that other people can read it. I told her that we could work on that this summer, when school is out. I think I'll put it on the webspace, since I don't want to put a journal there, and I'm paying for the space anyway. Oh, and Rachel will be home to help her with it, so that's a good thing!

I remembered to bring the dpns to work tonight to do the sleeves on the baby sweater for my friend. I'll be glad to have it done!

I started the Rainbow Lace socks the other night, and I gotta say, I hate doing lace. Everytime I try a lace pattern, it takes me at least three tries to get the pattern right, and I have to keep ripping out. Ugh. I want to get these done for Ruthann, though, so I have to keep trying.

What else am I working on? Hmm, mostly socks.


1. Stupid Rainbow Lace sock #1

2. Opal Cool Ocean sock #1

3. Opal Rust sock #1

4. Regia Autumn Stripes sock #1

5. Temple/Burial sock #1 (Kmart baby yarn)

Oh, and I finished the Fortissima Zebra Stripe socks and mailed them to Sister Calamity.

Oops, I forgot about 6. the Regia cotton confetti socks - I'm still on #1, but I'm down to the toe shaping.

11:40 p.m. - 2003-05-21


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