monkeymom's Diaryland Diary


One pill makes you larger...

There is a reason why medical professionals advise against taking medication prescribed for other people. At least, I would like to blame today's bad behavior on the taking of some of Lucy's headache medicine this morning.

I had a headache all night, and I took 6 Advil through the course of the night, but it never went away. So when Lucy came to work I whined about it to her, and she offered me some Fiorinal, a prescription headache pill, and of course I took it, because I will pretty much take anything I am offered.

I went home and slept for 4 hours (not enough, in case you are wondering) and when I got up I wandered the house wishing there was something to eat, and then the mail came and I opened a mean letter from my long distance carrier.

It was mean, and it had crossed my check in the mail, because I did my checkbook at work earlier this week and I knew my check had been cashed.

So I called them up and cancelled my long distance service, and then afterward I wondered if I had been too hasty, so I called Diana to tell her I was acting crazy and guess what? I didn't have any long distance service. So I called her from my cell phone, and told her all about what assholes they were...

And then I had to find another long distance carrier. So I called the provider of my regular phone service and I took what they offered, which isn't really such a hot deal unless I make a lot of long distance calls, so all of you can expect many more phone calls from me than what you get now.

Then Billy No-mates was online and it turned out that he had taken the afternoon off because he had to stay late at work yesterday, and I asked him a question about something that came up when I was talking to Lucy this morning and he sighed in his "everyone is a complete retard but me" way, which I couldn't hear because we were IMing, but I am familiar with it because he does it a hundred times a day, and he told me the answer and then said that the switchboard operators are stupid. To which I replied "Fuck you" and walked away from the computer.

I know that he is immature and arrogant and I always overlook it when he is rude and/or obnoxious, but I was in no mood for that crap. I am so tired of trying to teach him how to behave by being a patient example - oh, I can't believe I said that with a straight face. But what I mean is, I thought that if I was a friend to him, he would get a clue about how to act around other people. It didn't work, darn it.

So later I thought I would just call him and breezily apologize for being mean and point out that what he said was NOT NICE, but he hung up when he saw it was me, so okay then, be a friendless little git, see if I care.

I feel like a mean person now, but I won't miss it if I don't have to listen to Billy No-mates whining anymore. Except that he'll get over it and I'll have to start tolerating him again, because I can't just cut him off - he has no mates!

I still don't have long distance service. I guess they can cut you off in a matter of minutes, but it takes a while to start your service. The bastards.

In other news, I finished the green baby sweater except for sewing on the buttons, and I also finished the first sock of the Regia cotton pair. I have the Opal Cool Ocean sock with me to work on later.

I slept another 5 hours this afternoon, but I feel tired and dragged out. I have three days off this weekend, and I'll probably sleep for most of it.

11:35 p.m. - 2003-05-23


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